Swaping infantry lines

99.99999999% we won’t see this change, this is too Big and 20 years too late, but just for fun imagine this:

Militias upgrade to spearmen, pikes and halbs, halbs would have the champ stats (more base dmg and hp) and keep their anti cav bonus, and ofc cost gold.

Now, the men at arms line would be a trash unit with high melee (just high enough to kill hussars) armor and bonus against inf and buildings, and ofc less base dmg

That way barracks unit would win against cavs, cavs to archers and archers to infantry, so you shall see more infantry in castle age and early imp

There will be a inf counter in the barrack just like there are a archer counter in the range and a cav counter in the stable

Age of Empires 1 has clubman and his axeman upgrade as trash units
I dont know why they replaced them for the gold militia line in AOE2

AoE1 Trash units are Clubman-Axeman, Bowman, Chariot-Scythe Chariot and Chariot Archers.
All 4 of these units cost no Gold.

This can be a mod. I mean, I’ll try this stuff if it’s not gonna be in the main game

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yes a mod would be nice. Im not adding new units so it may be easier to create

You forgot scouts I think

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True, but Scouts in AoE1 will not ven auto-attack, you have to micro every single target.
They really are just a Scout unit in AoE1, outside of the fabled Scout rush you can do in Tool Age, because they have decent HP.

AoE1 Scout also never upgrade to anything, which is horrible in Bronze and Iron Ages for a Melee unit.