I’m reminded of another potential “button wall” - Native Embassy.
First, in one game, a player can ally with a maximum of 5 different minor civs.
When you’re already allied with 5 cultures, you will be unable to build a TP on a 6th’s settlement, and interestingly, the UI preview will only show the native units it offers, not its native techs.
Apparently this is how AoE3 has always worked, though I don’t know if the recent native TP update has changed that.
Embassy panel showing native units from 5 cultures
Since a minor native enables at most 2 units in the Embassy, theoretically the native units can occupy 10 buttons in the Embassy panel at most.
Meanwhile, a Mexican player can add 6 buttons to an Embassy by doing this:
- Age 2 Tlaxcala
- Ship Tlaxcala Alliance for 1 Conquistador, 1 Conquistador upgrade, 2 Jesuit techs, 2 minor Aztec/Tlaxcala techs
Afterwards, the player can add 5 buttons by normal age-up:
- Age 4 Guerrero
- Ship Aztec Pueblos for 2 minor Aztec units
- Age 5 Oaxaca
- Ship Zapotec Valley for 3 Zapotec techs
Embassy panel after shipping the 3 federal cards
OR add another 6 buttons by Maya revolution:
- Revolt as Maya
- Ship Kinship Ties to add 1 Villager
Embassy panel after Tlaxcala Alliance and Maya revolution, before Villager is added
By choosing these options, the Embassy panel can be filled up with 11 or 12 buttons from federal or revolution cards alone, leaving only 7 or 6 vacant slots.
Of course, a normal map will only ever spawn 3 different minor civs at most. (unless you are playing Unknown, which has no such limit). But the Embassy must also suffer from the Swedish Fort’s “row overflow”: if we perform the above steps to add 11/12 Embassy buttons, then ally with natives that add more than 3 units, the top unit row will expand, and push out the two techs of the bottom row.
Remaining question:
Some of these cards or age-up options, also including the African age-ups and the US Tammany Festival (ally with Cree), are mechanically treated as the player allying with a minor civ, at least for the purpose of the Native Treaties card.
How do they interact with AoE3’s built-in 5 minor ally limit?