Swedish civilisation is in dire need of strengthening

just give them age1 embassy card to ally with Vasa, rework the arquebusier to fit the swedish army, done

All you need to beat ANY aztec army is Caroleans plus leather canons. AKs arent fast enoigh killing the massable canons while caroleans kill any coyote trying to reach melee.

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Caroline is ‘fine’ but I think when the Haka became a dragoon clone and the anti-cav damage of carolean went down.

I think it was better when Hakapelit was a short ranged heavy cav not a boring dragoon clone. They were way more interesting. Swedes didn’t need a dragoon they had Carolean which kinda sucked in raw damage output compared to normal musketeers.

Being the only Civ without a dragoon (outside of black rider) was what made Swedes unique.

The problem is though that a civ without goons doesn’t work in many ways due to how effective goons are.
One can live without a musk, and even then that allready is a pain but a dragoon?

×0.8 vs. Light infantry This is absolute trash. Many people say that they have very high speed. The strelets have even greater speed, but this does not help at all with melee attacks, even against crossbowmen. And the strelets have 30% range armor.

They always had black riders if they really needed them, but most of the time Carolean (back then) was enough.

Swedes didn’t need a goon, but they did need a late game goon counter and still do.

Carolean is similar to other musketeer. Whose range damage barely registers so they relies heavily on melee.

And then is countered out of existence by cannons.

Mediocre 12-15 range damage, with the base HP of villagers?
While Cav is only managed by bonus damage but is more flexible?

Legacy infantry is far too easy to counter.