Team Bonus applicability

Team Bonuses should apply dynamically over diplomacy games instead of being applicable to only the teammates at the beginning of the match. This will also be good for campaigns when enemy turns into an ally upon completing some task.


Just, Great. That would be much more logical.


It always annoyed me that it was never been the case.


I’m sure there is some edge case out there that would make this have some un-intended effect, but I agree, this seems like how it should work. no ranked team game would allow switching alliances. If there is some exploit we’re just not thinking of it’d only affect campaigns and diplo games, and I assume that could be fixed IF one’s discovered on a case by case basis.

Otherwise yeah, I should only get team bonuses from members currently on my team. Makes perfect sense. Honestly surprised to learn that isn’t how it works. Seems like a very sensible thing to change.


There will be some cases like Incas team bonus. Which should apply only when you first ally with Incas and there after it shouldn’t give you a free turkey. I think they will be easy to figure out.

Good catch. Yeah imagine toggling enemy ally real quick and getting lots of llamas.

Besides that tho, even though I brought it up, I can’t find any exploit related to team bonuses and diplo games.