Tech activating by checking whether another tech is active

So I am trying to change the aztec warchief age up to make it so that say if you research early, you still get the scaling benefit as you age up, whereas now it is a one time benefit

So eg: you get the age 2 aztec warchief age up, in age 2 you get say 10% HP, but when you go age 3 you get another 10% HP.

right now I can only imagine this needs a shadow tech for every different combination of age ups, but that feels way too complicated and overdone.

Is there a way to have an effect of a tech (rather then say the whole tech) be active only another tech is active?

we have things like Hausa kingdom, Spanish gold or the infinite Zouave that has things like subtype=“FreeHomeCityUnitByTechActiveCount” or subtype=“FreeHomeCityUnitIfTechObtainable”

to send units a certain tech is active

Does anyone know if there is something similar where instead of units its tech that can be activated??

Create a tech , and give it the pre-requirement
That way you can make sure that it scales the way it should.

Nice suggestion!
This could come out as another Quality of Life change.
Very much needed though

Please write it down in this list of another suggestions, changes, improvements for the game