The actual final update to AoE3DE

As it turns out, there was one final tiny update to AoE3DE today.

They added a new ‘news’ update. It’s an almost identical message to the original, made on the DE release. The only difference is the removal of the phrase “and we’re just getting started!”, that’s it.

Just another nail on the coffin, I guess…


Ouch… (20 characters)

Edit: this is absolutely ridiculous! They remember a message from, what, years ago? And THAT was worth their time, not any of the bugs, or a small balance patch. This is just insulting.


Not that you should be any less upset about the game being left in its current state, but the original message was just posted on the official discord yesterday and it’s likely that this doesn’t require anything special to update.

A full patch is very time consuming and costly on the other hand.

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Idk, it’s basically the post from 2020, just having removed any suggestion they’d ever add anything to the game again. I get that it’s less of a time commitment, but it seems like the message is just a “we’re done with you”

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This is BS, we already paid good money for this game, we keep it alive for 13 years before the DE came out, we support the game and all the DLCs, plus being fans of all the other games… and instead of giving us more, what we requested, they are just letting die the game again.




If its the last update then why do they say follow for latest details?.. why should people join those social media platforms if they get no news?


u seem speaking right

@ [StereoQuasar163] u right may be

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En la versión en español dice " Age III DE cuenta con muchas novedades en cuanto a funciones y contenido! Para estar al tanto de los últimos detalles y no perderte las actualizaciones ni las noticias sobre lo que todavía está por llegar, síguenos en nuestras redes sociales. Quizá es el mismo mensaje viejo que no se molestaron en cambiarlo


Same in german. I think they just forgot to change it

their work ethic is honestly continues to surprise me. reminds me of when they broke 8 xbow and took about three months to fix, even when the community fixed in like 15 minutes after the patch dropped.

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Is it possible to have the source code from the game so we can develop it? They wouldnt care since they gave up on the game, we could help more the game since we do have passion for the game, not interested in having paychecks.