The Age of Empires III Cutting Room Floor

@JiMMy12013 found a graveyard of French Revolution cards that were either cut or altered.

The Storming of the Bastille card had a gather rate nerf contemplated for it.

<string _locid="200130">Sansculotte siege damage and armor increased at the expense of reduced gather rates.</string>

Alternate designs for the Indonesia revolt’s Kraton Guards card.

<string _locid="200121">Significantly improves Revolutionaries and Pikemen units in combat at the expense of reduced Musketeer combat strength.</string>
<string _locid="200122">Significantly improves Revolutionaries and Pikemen units in combat at the expense of higher Musketeer costs.</string>

A revolt was going to get Napoleon Guns unlocked.

<string _locid="200116">Ships 2 Napoleon Guns. Enables Napoleon Guns to be hired at the Tavern and Artillery Foundries.</string>

I feel this is a thing, but I also don’t see the strings anywhere for it so it may be cut content.

<string _locid="200125">Dismantle Fishing Boat</string>
<string _locid="200126">Dismantle Fishing Canoe</string>
<string _locid="200127">Dismantle this boat to return 30% of its wood costs.</string>

The Dutch’s Belgian Revolution turned Halberdiers and their cards into Revolutionaries, which would apply to the Seventeen Provinces card as well.

 <string _locid="125554">All your Halberdiers pick up firearms and turn into Revolutionaries to fight for the Belgian cause! All ordinary Halberdier cards replaced with Revolutionaries.</string>
<string _locid="125543">Ships 1 Revolutionary for each military production building that you own (up to 17).</string>

The Dutch unique Battleship card went through a few iterations.

<string _locid="200106">Ships a mighty Battleship! Dutch Battleships move faster and can train Petards.</string>
<string _locid="200107">Ships a mighty Battleship! Dutch Battleships move faster and can train artillery units.</string>

Portugal’s Naval Infantry card additionally let Musks and Cassadors build Docks. The Grapeshot card had a slow effect instead of increased AoE.

<string _locid="125441">Musketeers and Cassadors can build Docks and Portuguese Warships can train Infantry units.</string>

<string _locid="125202">Organ Guns fire faster and slow down hit targets.</string>

Russians had a card called Tula Arms Plant which was cut.

<string _locid="125437">Tula Arms Plant</string>
<string _locid="125438">Ships 1 Falconet and 1 Artillery Foundry Wagon.</string>

Alternative names for the auras for Hospitaller and Basilica.

<string _locid="125140" symbol="deAuraHospitallerB">Chivalry Aura</string>
<string _locid="125141" symbol="deAuraHospitallerC">Knightly Aura</string>

<string _locid="125142" symbol="deAuraBasilica"> Gothic Architecture</string>
<string _locid="125144" symbol="deAuraBasilicaB">Romanesque Architecture</string>

Malta’s Hospitality card went through a few variants.

<string _locid="125015">Arrives fast! Hospital upgrades are cheaper. Your next Age-up is faster for each Hospital Unit you’ve trained in your CURRENT Age.</string>
<string _locid="125016">Arrives fast! Town Centers work faster and Hospital upgrades are cheaper.</string>

Malta had a few Depot upgrade cards cut.

<string _locid="124817">Tersenal</string>
<string _locid="124818">Depots improve the work rate of nearby Docks and can repair ships in radius.</string>
<string _locid="124819">Docks work much faster when a Depot is nearby.</string>

<string _locid="124823">Fougasse</string>
<string _locid="124820">Enables Depots to train Culverins and Mortars.</string>
<string _locid="124824">Enables Fire Throwers, Petards, and Mortars in Depots.</string>
<string _locid="124825">Enables Fire Throwers and Petards in Depots.</string>

<string _locid="124826">Booby Traps</string>
<string _locid="124827">Improves the blast radius of Depots.</string>

Malta had an Italian Tongue card that sent and unlocked Order Schiavones and a Swedish Tongue card; nothing seems to remain for the latter except an icon.

<string _locid="124724">Italian Tongue</string>
<string _locid="124725">Ships a Commandery Wagon and a number of powerful Order Schiavoni. Enables Commanderies to recruit them.</string>

Italy and Malta’s Merchant Republic card sent trading post wagons.

<string _locid="124694">Ships a number of Trading Post Wagons. Trade Routes become more profitable and a percentage of all the resources you have earned from them so far is granted to you again.</string>

Italy had a Venetian Mirror card that sent a second explorer.

<string _locid="124752">Venetian Mirror</string>
<string _locid="124753">Grants your Explorer to look into a rich Venetian mirror and create a copy of himself.</string>

In an earlier post I mentioned that the trailer for Mexico looked like they had one reward for every federal state in an age, this is confirmed as I found the strings. They would have had 1 Military Wagon for Age II, 5 Soldados for Age III, 600 Coin for Age IV, and 1 Fort Wagon +1 Fort limit for Age V.

Central America’s Salvadoran Coffee used to trigger a variant of Tabasco Fruits that boosted Hacienda gather rates for 50 seconds.

Cut Mexican cards and card effects.

<string _locid="113165">Soldado resource and population costs are reduced as well as hitpoints and damage.</string>
<string _locid="113166">Soldados cost less resources and population space at the expense of less hitpoints and damage.</string>
<string _locid="113160">All Mexican units gain more Kill XP.</string>
<string _locid="113161">All Mexican units gain more Build and Kill XP.</string>
<string _locid="113162">Units gain more Build and Kill XP.</string>
<string _locid="113163">Villagers gather natural resources much faster when working nearby Haciendas and Town Centers.</string>
<string _locid="113164">Your Padre regenerates hitpoints much faster at the expense of less total hitpoints.</string>

<string _locid="112852">Ships 3 additional Filibusters for each shipment you have sent so far this game. All Military Buildings and Houses transform into Filibusters.</string>
<string _locid="112853">Filibuster Invasion</string>

<string _locid="112933">Haciendas have more hitpoints and can produce Cuatreros. Cuatreros cost less population and can gather food from Herdables and Huntables.</string>
<string _locid="112934">Ranchos</string>

<string _locid="113051">The next Cathedral tech researched is free.</string>
<string _locid="113052">Despertador Americano</string>

<string _locid="113018">Cry for Liberty</string>
<string _locid="113019">All units in the line of sight of the Revolutionary Padre or the vicinity of the Inspiring Flag are quickly healed.</string>

There are unused Attack, Hunting, and Agility promotions for damage, range, and speed respectively.