The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

Unsportsmanlike behavior and punishment system was discussed in this old thread, too (link is below). Lots discussed in the thread; but within, I proposed an ‘unsportsmanlike behavior’ score to be tracked to help decide the weight of any penalties issued. ALT+F4s could factor into this score…

  • “…(S)ome things the devs could consider include what age the player drops in, what age the opponent is in, what their score is relative to the opponent, how long the match has been going on, and maybe how often they resign, to help determine how unsportsmanlike the drop was. Some algorithm could generate an “unsportsmanlike behavior score” on the back-end to help decide on punishment. The algorithm could know what their historical unsportsmanlike score is based on past resigns/non-resigns and maybe factor that in, too.”

I now know it’s generally accepted by the community that players can and should be able to drop early with no ramifications, but I feel there should be some threshold for ‘too’ early. I assume ALT+F4 would fall into the ‘too early’ bucket for most players.

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