The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

and somehow still not an exceptional example to try to communicate/help him since everyone was like this once and there is only room up

also i wouldt say budapest is gimmicky its different and a good Variation of maps make the game more healthy

also nobody force you to play it but lets remind ourself that the ranked enviroment dont really condone these actions and thats why i agree with time penality

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Most players prefer to play Arabia all the time. Literally. Its been the #1 map for 20 years and its not even close. We would not be having this discussion otherwise. Its the most diverse and balanced map out there.

If all players that want to play Arabia moved to Lobby, the matchmaking would have half the players or less. Even with the current system Arabia is played 60-65% of the time

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I understand your reasoning but I dont think it is the objective of matchmaking to mix people of different skill so that one can learn/improve. Its to provide balanced games where players have as similar skill as possible. And thats why I believe its fair to call it broken.

Sure I could learn a lot by playing someone 300 ELO above me everyday, but TG MM is not the place for it. Or else the game might as well match us with anyone in the ladder
 Its always going to be a learning experience

But again, not the players fault.

With this many civs, most balanced or diverse doesn’t really have a definition. Arabia has 0 water, so many water focused civs struggle hard. Civs geared towards Imp also tend to struggle, because some of those civs get killed off by civs that are fast. Not saying that Arabia isnt a good map, it is. But playing nothing but it is dull and cuts off a lot of game elements, especially when so many games are literally over in feudal age lol.

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There aren’t many water focused civs to begin with.

The issue of ‘stupid’ map pool is greatly exagerated. There are usually only 3 gimmicky maps in the pool (say islands, megarandom, nomad), and since most people hate them, they are very likely to be banned all at once. What happens instead is you que, you get a reasonable map like hideout or lombardia, and then someone quits in 2 out of 3 cases (maybe more often, but I don’t want to overstate the issue). And then, provided no one drops in first 5 seconds, you might get a game (not necessarily balanced, but that’s unrelated).
In my opinion, some types of maps have to be excluded from the map pool. The issue of gimmicky maps is that there can be no compromise between people who like them and people who hate them. Even if devs give players 3 ban options (for the sake of the argument, let’s assume it won’t brak the matchmaking), unpopular maps will be permanently banned by almost every player, and it will be next to impossible to find a match on those maps. So what’s the point of having them anyways? There is hardly any solution to this issue, so I would suggest removing water heavy maps and nomad maps from teamgame ranked pool. It’s still not enough to fix the matchmaking, because devs also need to fix crashes and introduce penalty for disconnecting and leaving the game early (which would be tricky to define).

for tamgames time queue is getting longer and longer, while more people uses alt-f4.

way to kill the team games forgotten empires!! just keep ignoring this issue!


But these are actually good to play on, because the meta is very different from Arabia and its clones.


true tho i think besides being an overpopularized and cultured accepted map cough cough Arabia

Maps llke Nomad, Island, Megarandom Mangrove Jungle, and all other seemingly gimmicky maps bring in my opinion a fresh wind in it so its not 95% of the time the same dull thing


Well the altf4 is worse for TGs where you can only ban one map, and currently you have BF, MegaRandom, Land Nomad on the nonconventional starts list, plus Islands that is not a fan favorite. Four Lakes / Scandinavia are fine as hybrid maps whilst Arena / Hillfort for those that like to start behind walls.

Open land maps? Arabia.
One full water, two hybrids, two wallsy, three gimmicky.

Bear in mind that Scandinavia is a Mongols fest with 3 boars and 6 deers.


It’d be nice if we could get an official announcement about this topic. Whether or not they are going to implement something to fix it.

I supoport this.

alt+f4 = unlimited bans in practice.

anyone who only wants to play arena, just needs to use alt-f4 in any other map
 just that in the process is hurting the experience of other players.

A temporary fix is to increase the number of bans. it is literally change one variable.

int n_map_bans = 6

and voilĂ !

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In that case people that would want some randomness will be forced to ban Arabia to prevent playing only Arabia.

I do it in CSGO.

Mirage is the map played more often, when I don’t want it I just ban it and use train, nuke and overpass as the other maps to play.

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It would be amazed when this problem could get adressed by the developers. While playing with friends on a evening for 2 hours we normally get around 2-5 to “drops” which is really annoying and kills the pleasure of playing Teamgames.

I do like to play a big differsity of maps and feel my needs very well represented by the given possibilities of banning maps and selecting a favourite map and would wish other people to respect the system or use the lobby system in addition.

But I do understand that monomap players would miss out on interesting and balanced games since the player base in lobby games is much lower on higher elos.

Therefore I would really like that developers are taking actions now:

  • The actual system stays unchanged and players are getting discouraged to alt f4 (timeout of some minutes, disabled to play ranked for a day etc.)
  • The amount of possible bans gets improved so that monoplayer can choose their beloved map at the price of a somewhat higher waiting time (which they also have atm since they have to alt f4 and requeue)

Denying that the system isn’t flawed at the current would be a shame since it punishes all participiants with higher queue times and will lead to a decrease of players especially in 4v4 games where the chance of dodging seems to be highest due to increased number of players involved.


And I guess when people are matched and there are no maps to play you just shrug and crash the game for one of them, lmao if you think programming is this easy.

I’m not against increasing bans but due to the way the system currently works (matching players before map bans) it will not be an easy or quick fix at all, it would be a huge refactor/rewrite and testing cycle of how the matchmaker is implemented and it would ultimately result in killing off non-arabia/arena/bf maps entirely since queue times would be astronomical in comparison to what they are now.


coding a couple of If more and some while is such hard and burdensome task that must be sorcery

even then if that is the reason devs are being negligent with this issue, would be terrific if they say it.

I just see apologies for the lazines from forgotten empires, and the time queues going longer and longer evry week.

lol, just queued 7mins for Scandinavia and someone alt-f4.

seems like the answer is to embrace the alt-f4 and screw all the people possible.


Let’s diagnose the real problem: (1) Players want autonomy on their map choice selection, and (2) they want a relatively fast matchmaking system without spending te in a lobby.

Honestly, the preferred map pool and the increased incentive to do alt-f4 to dodge ridiculous maps solved a lot of problems for players (especially in team games). Since team games take a long time and also need time-coordination between friends, not being able to select a map was a big annoyance. We get together to play a few games on a Saturday after all, and I don’t want to spend my precious time on wolf hill or Budapest. I already ban arena, nomad and black forest, which are popular maps, but those other maps that stay open are a waste of time.

Not that the team game ladder is already broken, so playing a few maps doesn’t really affect the competitiveness of the team game ladder, so it doesn’t matter really.

After alt-f4 became a feasible option (since the preferred map option most likely produces Arabia anyways), we started to play more team games with my friends and we enjoy it more since we don’t have to play those ridiculous maps. I think for 1v1 alt-f4 is less common since you have 4 bans, you don’t need to coordinate playing with anyone, and you have and shorter games. So you can tolerate a non standard map.

My suggestion is to either keep the system as is, or give the players more map bans. Let’s try it a while and see if queue times are much longer. If they’re not, issue resolved.


But its ranked and ranked should be maps that all are ok with there is no reason to alt f4 since all maps should be accepted in the ranked enviroment and people who like only one map or some people just play certain map feel entilted to it and there is no real reason for them to adapt to others maps

also since only 2% appearently choose the maps for the rotation so i dont really get why alt f4er dont seem to be involved in it to vote for maps so there is more clearance of multiple maps that they can play so there is no need for alt f4

just want to quickly mention that there is a flaw not in everyone else but the 5% that alt f4 and think its ok since they think its a broken system or rant about a different topic that is the elo inflation on team mmr but lets be real here the problem is that alt f4 ruines the fun for most of the player and it shouldt be allowed and punished by timeouts since the people who alt f4 doesnt seem to distribute into the map pool and/or only play one map what doesnt fit the ranked enviroment so ofc some maps arent suited for the pool but there is a flaw in your logic that you dont think your responsable for all of it and thats what upsets you