The Alt+F4 Multiplayer Problem

I have not posted here in months and I came back because of this issue. It’s outrageous. If people alt+ F4 they should be timed out for an hour or something.


over 30mins, 5 times game quitting, yeah, please keep ALT F4 cause watching the waiting screen is so much fun


But you don’t understand they didn’t get their way. Your just not selfish enough to understand.

Nomad maps are mint, cant have any pocket pu$$ies that way.

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2 threads in reddit in the last 24 hours.

Oh! and no word from any dev about this issue yet.

Especially when said pockets make no useful army :DDDDD

It is amazing to see people complaining because they think it is legit to ALT+F4 when some other player picks pocket position before them 11. Those people would be complaining about other part if they ALT+F4 in the same situation.

Just 30 minute timeout or direct constant 16 ELO loss to whoever ALT+F4s after a match is found. An additional measure should be taken for early resign as well similarly because such toxic people would start resigning after game starts. So in that case if a 4v4 game is left as 3v4 in first some minutes, win probability calculation should be done by taking the quitting player as 0 elo. Of course the quitter should just lose max elo possible.


Thinking about it a little bit, losing Elo shouldn’t be a punishment. Elo is supposed to reflect the level of play, and not sportsmanship. Losing Elo as punishment will only give smurfs one more way to artificially lower/manipulate their Elo.
A timeout from ranked play is a much better choice.

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Does not resigning early give the lower elo to the ones who want to smurf? This does it also while punishing the remaining players in a team game. So if you start giving timeout to people who ALT F4, they will start the game and resign at minute 1 which also screws the others.

Yes, that option still remains. And it is much harder to fix.

But you don’t punish poor sportsmanship by reducing Elo. The would be a light punishing a heavy weight boxer by making him fight welterweights.

Right. Then probably a timeout would be the solution and can also be applied to early resigns (like first 3 5 mins maybe). Timeout can be increased if repeated but this probably requires more infrastructure. Remaining players in a team game then should be treated as the game was always one player less for the team of the early resigning part.

Exactly what i have suggested long time ago.

Time penalties with increasing length based on the frequency. Seems like just a simple counter, so that doesnt really require that much infrastructure, i think

ultimately the best and simplest counter would be to hide map information, so if they alt+f4 they get a loss and their opponents gain elo for time wasted. its not a hard problem to solve.

No it isnt. Elo represent skill. And your Idea will rune that.

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and skill is the ability to perform in the playlist and rules provided without manipulating it to your advantage, such as alt+f4 when you don’t like the map chosen. players are free to alt+f4 in starcraft and waste the other players time, all they have to sacrifice is their winrate and elo. it does not make it a weaker indicator of skill.

this is like legacy versions of aoe2 and 3, where if you don’t think you can win with the enemy players you kicked them as host or forced them to join your team. as long as players are able to manipulate the system it will be abused, and the current status of aoe2 de matchmaking is proof of that.

so simply remove the ability to abuse it in the first place.

There are already examples of players that just go to the first second of the game and Alt+F4 then to lower their rating, so they can play against lower rated player. I consider such behaviour as toxic behaviour. Adding this penalty in the count down will promote this even more. I dont like that idea at all.

Devs afk on this still? Amazing

Devs seems to be AFK in general on these forums. We are really lucky we had some blogs recently about some stuff (RIP DE, issues with TG rating), but they tend to not comment on most issues…

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Why choosing a single map (like Arabia) is not a solution:
Ranking is to show who is how good in playing the whole game. Not a specific map. If you have 1 great tactic you play over and over again on the same map, you are not a good player, you are a “FatSlob”. And if you’d play the other maps too, your ranking would show as such. That’s why variety of maps, and rotating the maps are necessary, and it should stay like that. Even without regarding the whole “queue time” issue, if you would only play one specific setting, then host a room for it, and play against others who also only want that specific setting. Problem solved. But that behaviour has nothing to do with general ranked skill.

For the AltF4 behaviour, losing ELO wouldn’t help. He would be “rewarded” with easier upcoming matches which is not good for others. I’d suggest the opposite. As a penality the leaver could get a temporal rank boost (+32?), so their next match would be slightly harder as a result.

Came back to check the dev’s response, cool to see they still care. /end sarcasm.

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