The Aztecs nerf

Pretty disappointed about this nerf, considering Aztecs already lost 5% military training speed.

According to, Aztecs has the highest pick rate for 1650+ ELO, but below that their pick rate comes after Franks, Britons, Mayans and maybe even Mongols. And their win rate is not top 5 for any ELO range.

The sheer lack of mathematical sense. So 40% nerf sounds like nothing to you?

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And you think this is a nerf despite Aztecs gaining 5% more speed for all their Infantry. And being the single biggest beneficiary civ of the Squires buff.

How? Squires buff buffs every infantry civ while you claim that compensates for a big nerf on Aztecs’ biggest eco bonus?

The amount by which the Aztecs have been buffed in this patch, assuming BiryArg’s Squires reveal is true, is rivalled only by the Goths.

Elite Eagles are soon about to outspeed CAVALRY ARCHER UNITS.
EDIT: I was close but wrong

Did I miss anything, except the 5% Squires buff? Well it’s true that in current top-tier civs, Aztecs would benefit the most. But nerfing their eco bonus by 40% certainly brings them down from top-tier.

1.3 * 1.15 = 1.495 < 1.54 = 1.4 * 1.1

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That makes it sound really serious when it isn’t.

In reality, it’s -2 carry capacity. The effective percentage change on gather rate won’t be a double digit number for any resource, period. Percentage points on small changes makes everything seem way worse. Nothing could be more ingenuous than saying 5% training speed reduction and then 40% eco nerf. If you wanted to be consistent and reasonable with your hysteria, you’d be saying they lost 33% of their training bonus and 40% of the eco bonus.

Which is making it seem way worse than it actually is.


They sure as hell are about to outspeed the Knight, the most broken and overused unit line in the game (BROKEN in Castle Age).

I wanted the Knight line to be put down but not in this way, not by buffing another borderline OP unit line into possibly OP territory

Thanks for pointing out. I did realize that it shouldn’t be that big a nerf. After reviewing SotL’s video:

The actual nerf might be that Aztecs now has 10% farming boost instead of 13% or something. Should still be an A-tier civ.

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Currently before wheelbarrow Aztecs is 16% faster, 5.5% after…I believe SOTL did not consider built time for farms so I lowered the numbers a bit.

+3 carry capacity increases farming rate by 8% … before wheelbarrow. I guess.

So it is more likely 50% drop in Aztecs farming bonus or 8% overall farming bonus until Handcart.


He said that +3 carry capacity is responsible for 2/3 of the boost wheelbarrow brings. So it should be before wheelbarrow. And yes, Aztecs’ farming boost pre-wheelbarrow would drop from 16% to 8%. (Though not sure why in DE they have a 16% boost vs 13%.)

Thanks. Edited.

That’s for sure.

Really disappointed change. whether it is significant or not.
Aztecs winrate in +1650 ELO is not great according to aoestats. 11 civs record higher winrate than Aztecs in Arabia. Not really deserve that kind of nerf. Just make civ less appealing to play.

Or I support that change if there is some compensate buff such as Jaguar Warrior buff. But it may not happen.

Aztecs have been the strongest civ since forever.


You can’t even call it a nerf. From +5 to +3 is not that big deal.

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Go look at aztec pickrates, banrates, and winrates in tournaments.

Its a sizeable nerf to their early game farming, which will help slow them down.

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So what would be a major nerf? Reducing their miniscule 10% production bonus doesn’t sound like much. +50 starting gold isn’t a major bonus. +5 hp to monks per tech isn’t gamebreaking either. Is it the relic bonus gold then?

I think is a little nerf for a civ than needed a little nerf. But they will be OK after the nerf

The meso civs in general need a nerf in their eagles more than anything, i heard from some one that in the new patch the devs gave eagles +5% more speed, this is sick enough for this unit. This unit is totally broken and need to nerf their food cost by increasing it 10 at least and decrease their tanky PA by (-1) at least, and if this is true that the devs increased their speed in the new patch by +5% then they should remove it, the only thing that you can easly mass it to stop the eagles is the militia line, so if the militia line was having a chance against eagles now by this +5% speed they will not have any chance, so we have only knights that can keep chasing eagles around the whole map to stop them, and if we compare the knight cost to eagles it is almost like sending knights to fight trash units, and of course you can’t mass knights easly like the eagles, this unit is totally sick

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Eagles get ripped apart by militia line. Meso civs don’t have gunpowder nor stables, and have a general lack of technology over all. Eagles cost 50 gold, where as militia line cost 20.

Post Imp Malay militia only cost food… there’s your super hard counter for late game.

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