The civs win rate match up are most of the times are deceptive, SotL actually made a video out of it not long ago.
I don’t think that bulgas are OP right now, their cavalry is strong, but compensate by the worst archers in the game. The UT is good, but comes in really late, and the UU needs tons of upgrades, that’s justify the 2 blacksmith bonuses.
Their scout rush is solid, their knights too but less (they don’t have anything for the gold). And kreposts help them a bit everywhere, but still I don’t see them OP.
The siege comes in only in imp, and their ram push are strong, especially in TG, but again they still need a ton of gold, and they have no bonus for that.
Their bonuses overall can be tuned a bit, yes, but let’s wait first, so we will also have better data and indication on what change.
the way i see it they have a power spike compared to other knights up until late cavalier, since their own knights with stirrups are so much better. im not sure who has done the math or who stands where, on which is better vs stirrup or farimba cavalier… and stirrups comes much sooner, unlike farimba or paladin
but i agree they likely arent OP. just sooo much better than they used to be, im not sure who i prefer playing more between them and sicily
unfortunately the civs you have pointed our literally have some of the lowest win rates in the game
and they are a hard counter to the cuman double boom (nullifying their eco bonus in a lot of matches)
yeah that food saved up until late castle is worth more imo than any gold saved by porto for example, and especially worth more than the wood saved by korea/viet
i still dont like to use 1650+ because there are so few matches, the win rates can get skewed very quickly if one person mains one civ
but what i did notice in 1250-1650, some of their worst win rates are vs mongols and burmese. and im wondering if that is due to the lack of archers to counter either of them (mongol camel + mangudai) (burmese arambai)
you can’t make a castle and take stirrups(400f 200g) until you click to imp. they have no eco upgrade for aford it when doing knights.
also Konnik is bad without UT, ROF of konnik is 2.4 !
and why you whimpering here, my thought is a good player who picked bulgarians outplayed you. just learn how to play against bulgarians; mayans, ethiopians, britons killing them very easily and magyars
I mentioned those as example, the Bulgarians strong points is with their cheap blacksmith and cheap kreposts to defend and attack, their blacksmith give them the advantage at any stage in the game, don’t forget that they have FU foe their CA which make them with Hussars great combination too. The civ have many choices to go with, now they are in top 4, lets see how their winrate will keep growing and it is growing so fast!
CA of them not full upgrade. they are not in top 4, they are top 10 or 15. also pros playing with bulgarians rarely, becasue they are not op as you exaggerate. knights of them generic until imp. they have only CA and knights on castle age, you need give a lot villager to stone for do krepost, which means you can’t creat a good army when doing krepost rush. they are not tower, 350 stone is not that less
Man i know but their winrate keep growing so fast, you can just read the winrate by patch to see how their winrate is sick especially with their last buff for their blacksmith and siege, even if you want to wait another months i don’t think their winrate with their recent bonuses will be lower than this
Stirrups and farimba cavaliers are about the same, with maybe a small edge for bulgas, but it really depends who are you fighting.
Still, if that would be the problem, I think that we could easily switch the 2 bulgas UT between castle and imp, it would be a minor buff that won’t change too much.
it is beacuse high level players give them a change, result of hype. but winrate of them will be lower when hype gone
alsoo winrate at 1650+ is 51.2 not 52
yeah, it’s pretty much the only advantage that they have in the early game and is not causing them to have an overbearing winrate, so what’s the problem? should we nerf any bonus that has a number higher then 15%?