The Bulgarians

omg i was afraid of this. Archer domination is coming, idiot all time archer players going to smash us.
Need a nerf to Crossbows rightnow

Holy cow when is the ā€œcancel this civ itā€™s top 5ā€ trend going to end.

Infantry+cavalry civ doesnā€™t scream ā€œm@a+FC xbows every gameā€ to me.

Yet another trend. Bulgarian donā€™t need paladins. If you want mostly generic paladins, just play Magyar, Huns or Spanish.

Iā€™m pretty sure archers werenā€™t OP in AoC, HD neither Voobly, and that the bugfixā€™s purpose was to make archers behave closer to what they did in the OG games. Heck I bet only a tiny fraction of the playerbase noticed something changed, and even less could be able to tell whether it was like this since release or if a particular patch broke it.

Remember when Lithuanians reached the top 5 in the stats once thye got the massive buffs in Aprilā€™s patch and 70% of the forum was crying for a nerf. Still the only thing that they got nerfed was the Leitis. The people was just excited with this civilization.
But now with Bulgarians then they need nerf because thye are at 52% winrate which is fine, not over the top? HMOGā€¦

Go ahead and give them to the Spanish then because they are awful as flankā€¦
You dont mind that if they gte Crossbow in conjuction with the BS bonuses you create a massive balance problem because on how fast they could get Fletching and Bodkin Arrow.

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Dont know if it was clear enough. I dont think the change/fix they did is that huge at my level 11xx probably unnoticable. But because the OP is talking of 52% winrate I can imagine something small like that could change the winrate if a civ with has no much range unit options and lower it ever so slightly. So I wouldnt worry that Bulgarians are too strong now even if we agree 52% winrate is too strong.

It is however possible smth like that to have the meta change on the high end with expert players. We will see about it. In the first months of DE when unit pathing was a big problem knights and other mele units were underperforming. Archers were kings then. With improvong pathing knights improved and now with this change we shall see how it goes.