Maybe they should get stone walls in the imperial age. But by the time of the Mongol invasion the only russian walled city was Kiev, it was a striking difference with the mediterranean world and western Europe that had walls everywhere
thats just campaign footage
By the 4th epoch, I mean the imperial one.
My prayers have been answered, developers, great respect to you!!
Mongol’s dont need walls when the entire world belongs to the great khan! some 4D chess level of play.
Therefore, Mongolia can hardly be found on the earth now…
the impact of Mongols is actually quite clear. It’s just not as obvious as one would think, because people think of Ruins and architecture when they think of the past.
not Culture and Technology.
There are many Mongol heritage that can still be found quite alive and well today but people don’t think it stems from the Mongol empire.
best example is how the Postal system works today. The way Logistics functions whenever you order a package from across the world.
Hand grenades and their way of use in Warfare is an invention of the Mongolians.
The way modern military are organized today is also based on the system the Mongolians set up theirs.
Even the way Modern Warfare is fought today was pioneered by the Mongolians.
Did you know even the Icecream stems from the Mongols? This was a result from carrying frozen cream across long distances, constnatly shaking the frozen cream turning it into a form of proto-icecream that we know of today.
Mongols were also heavily into Astronomy, and due to their far reaching empire, the mathematicians from around the world were able to gather thanks to the Khans interests in astronomy and math, to be able to lay quite a bit of founding research into astrology and mathetmatics.
The Mongols were also first to pioneer the concept of Healthy diets, and the important of diets and their effects on ones health and more importantly, the effectivness of one troops.
There are many traces of Mongolia that can be found, and are infact in plain sight we that none of us really think about.
I personally is very satisfied with the Mongolian Sheperds hat i bought for myself last winter as it is superb for harsh winter conditions.
What you said is true or false. I don’t know…but it is possible that the Mongols invented using dried sheep dung to make a fire…
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I don’t really want to discuss this issue too deeply on the issue of the way of modern military organization. After all, it’s a long process.
What I can confirm is that Mongols did skilled in using grenades, and leaving a deep impression on Westerners. The Mongols were the powerful tactical masters of the Middle Ages, but not just being adept at using grenades.
However, it should be the earliest invention of hand grenades by the Chinese. Chinese had already confirmed to use grenades before the Song Dynasty was defeated by the Jin Dynasty. And the Jin Dynasty is the most likely way for the Mongols to acquire gunpowder tech. One of the reasons why the Mongols are so powerful is that they are very good at receiving the advantages of different civs.
As for the creative contribution of the Mongols to the postal system that you mentioned, I can’t agree more with that.
I’m sorry to see how many buildings are filled with things, just to make it clear what they do, they ruin the aesthetics a lot, like these towers full of wooden structures, which hide everything.