The future of AoE2:DE expansions

If it is, I hope those civs will come with a new architecture set.

That is correct, however, 4 spanish missions + 1 historical battle are more than enough in my opinion. On the other hand, Celts have 7 missions, while basically just 3 can even be considered, with only 1 proper oneā€¦though none of them prove a real challenge:) So seeing some more Celts (e.g by making a new historical battle for them, like Bannockburn) would be interesting.

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I think we have fairly enough architectural sets nowā€¦I mean, Gruzians/Armenians should probbaly get the central asian one, then Nepalese or something like that might benefit form the Indian one, more Africans can use African styleā€¦and Bohemians/Poles could be fine with Eastern European oneā€¦though these 2 might actually get a new style imo:)

I donā€™t know where other Americans, like Iroquis, would fit thoughā€¦

i would hope that eventually FE digs up the white-brick architecture that Slavs used in the original FE mod and give it to the Orthodox Slav civs.

The red-brick set is much more of a Central European thing. If thereā€™s at least 1 other civ for the Poles/Bohemians/southern Slavs ā€œwhite spotsā€ carved out of the Slav umbrella, Iā€™d expect them to keep the red-brick.

Iroquois would have a new architecture set.

One of the best parts about new expansions are new architecture sets, something which I find disappointing about LOTW.


Am I the only one wanting a civilization from Australia? Seems a peculiar choice but it makes sure we cover every continent except Antarctica of course.

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Tongans Iā€™d love. A Polynesian representative would be nice.

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We donā€™t need any Aboroginal civ from Australia. What would be the UU? Boomerang Warrior or Kangaroo Fighter?
Polynesian people were far more advanced.


The option for an Australian civ opens up the option for more regional units. Let me break down what we have till now.

Eagle Scouts - American continents
Battle Elephant - Indian subcontinent (South Asia) + South East Asia + Persians* (region described as Akhand Bharat)
Steppe Lancer - Steppe region (Mongolia + North Middle East)
Camel Riders - Africa + South Middle East (Persia, Turkey, Arab world)
Chinese and Indians usually didnā€™t use camels too much. They were present there geographically.

Paladins - Europe + Persians
Technically Paladins arenā€™t seen as regional units but it actually is when seeing the tech tree. They and Camel Riders just more common than all others

Most of the times there just isnā€™t a boundary between the regions. The Steppe region lies both is East Europe and West Asia. So two Steppe Civ have good LCav + Cav Archers + Camels and one has good Paladins.

The Persians have the most number of regional units as Paladins + Elephants + Camels since they basically lie in the intersection of the three. Might not be surprised if they get Steppe Lancers in future.

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Developers forgot to add Heavy Cavalry civs from East Asia and Africa, like Hausa, Jurchen or Tibetans.

Polynesians would be fine with reskinned Eagle Warriors.


Look at the Slavs. They are a heavy Cavalry civ from North Asia. They do NOT have Paladins oddly. They have a cavalry UU which is almost a Paladin.

Slavs did not live in North Asia, you might be thinking of Russia. Russians colonised northern asia, yes they coloniosed via land even into Alaska.

Evenkis lived in North Asia who are closely related to mongols.

The problem is that the only culture in Australia was actually on Neolithic development level.
This is why you never get them in Medieval games.

We have very few Polinesian choices as is (Maori would belong in AoE3, not AoE2, for example).
Surely one co go with Tongans and Indonesians, but Australian Aboriginals would be waaaaay too much of a stretch.


This would only be true if ALL Europeans had Paladins. But as it is, not only is this not so, but 2 Asians have them (Persians and Cumans), so Paladin is not a Regional Unit.

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beware jonoli is the same person who calls camels a regional unit as an excuse to get regional units for europeans. :rofl:

It is far more of a Regional Unit than Paladin is.
All African, Middle Eastern, Central Asian and Chinese get it, while not all Europeans get Paladin.

If I was to design an European UU, It would actually be a replacement for the Cavalry Archers (which actually was almost not used in European Warfare, and when it was used, it was usually Eastern Mercenaries), and just make a Cranequier (Cavalry Crossbowmen), with less Range, no unit line upgrades or Parthian Tactics.

The Genitour, which should have been a Regional Unit, is also not, for example.

Iā€™d like a good byzantine campaign (Belisario?), Bari isnā€™t sufficient :smiley:


personal opinion.
each new expansion is 2-3 civilizations.
give an expansion each to (The region that is Georgia/Armenia)
and America


As I wrote there is no well marked boundary. Cumans are specially in that region between Asia and Europe. They (irl) followed a migration which is best depicted in game. They were Central Asian Steppe Civ which later settled in Eastern Europe. In game, they have average Knights and good Cavalry Archers, Light Cavalry and Steppe Lancers in Castle Age (UU1) with access to Camel Riders. In Imperial Age, they do not have good Heavy Cavalry Archers and Bracer (limiting their Cavalry Archers) and have Paladins.

Cumans do have Heavy Cavalry Archer, they only miss Bracer.