Since this is a debate still hot as of now, I wanted to give an explanation to why Devs are being hipocrites with the implementation of AutoQueue with an anecdote.
So, let’s take a new player. Joe. New Joe buys AoM Retold and starts playing the tutorial. The tutorial teachs Joe how to play the game. After learning the basics, Joe goes to the Campaign and after 2 weeks finishes it completely. There he used AutoQ for villagers and Military. He loved it completely and then jumped to mythical battles, then skirmish, and finally, our new joe went to Online quick matches. There he amused himself playing like hes used to and is in love with the game and everything goes smooth.
Our New Joe finally decides to test his skills in Ranked Ladder. He sees the option to Ban Military autoQ. He finds this cool because its like choosing to go Random on god selection: more options makes everyone happy.
He leaves Military AutoQ on because it’s how hes used to play and have fun. The games finds an opponent and the game starts…
Then, Joe remarks he can’t right click military units. Maybe he clicked on the ban of Military AutoQueue by accident so he just plays the rest of the game, he loses and when he search for another ranked game, hes sure to not ban the option. But, surprise: Its not really an option to play with a player that just like him decided or not to ban military AutoQ, but rather just a voting system where if even one players decides to ban the option in the matchmaking on a 1v1, 2v2 or even 3v3, then EVERYONE is forced to play withouth military AutoQ.
THIS is the hypocrisy of the AutoQ. Devs sure as hell WANT the feature to be played just like it was in The Titans and EE because it’s a feature the game Invites you heavily to do along with Villager Prioriry AI. But just because some people make videos fearmongering the ‘‘risk of not being competitive’’ Devs decided to make it ‘‘optional’’ while not being truly optional for what i said above: if a player bans the option, then YOU are forced to play withouth it.
AutoQueue is part of Age of Mythology since the moment it was an idea adapted in the Titans expansion. It was popular in Gameranger, Voobly and the Extended Edition. How come now in Retold, there has to be a discussion about leaving it on or off in ranked game? If someone doesnt want it, they just can not right click. And if they find it unfair, then they are wrong because everyone in the match is even-ground.
Hope Developpers stop cowering on the idea of implementing AutoQueue on ranked match completely and let us players have the fun we want in full.