AOE2 is really quite balanced. There are only about 10 outlier civs who sit on 55/45% winrates. The rest fall within normal parameters of 47-52
Please stop to compare the 2 as they would be comparible.
AoE2´s civs have only small diffrences or some units from the standart rooster is untrainable for one civ.
AoE4 is way more asymetrical.
U could maybe compare french and english with the AoE2 tradition and than balancing is quite easy.
But if u looking into the mongols and rus there are way more diffrent to the others even eco wise or what they have to to or even not.
Rus can play without mining gold and stone in general and we all now what mongols can do.
The numbers are showing us that they are more splitted than in other games that we feel like balanced games. So it should be totaly understandable to get it this way.
The increase in pick and winrate for mongols if u climb the ladder is realy the biggest stopper right now.
The game hasnt a map selected que / civ bans or something to control that u dont run into people that are abusing some stuff to win. Because for some people winning is the goal for all of there games.
“If the games allows it I can use it” is often the mentality. I dont agree on that but there will be always diffrent opinions.
They have to act for 1vs1 and TG´s because there are problems with diffrent civs there. Mainly Chinese in TG´s and Horsearcher from rus and mongols in general in 1vs1.