The ludicrous difficulty is very easy, we need an impossible difficulty

The ludicrous difficulty is very easy, we need an impossible difficulty. I crave a challenge that borders on the impossible in AOM retold…

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If it is impossible how do you want to win ? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Hard pass. I disagree completely. The ludicrous difficulty should be the final difficulty.

I would play rank and try to break into the top 10 if I wanted an impossible difficulty.

I have casual friends who flat-out quit the game because they couldn’t beat the missions in ludicrous. Titan difficulty gave them trouble already.


Iirc the origin campaigns features AI that would repair and rebuild buildings.

lol… why would they quit the game for losing the highest difficulty in the game? its supposed to be difficult, hence you are supposed to lose the game

All difficulties are meant to be beatable. If someone wants a literally “unbeatable” difficulty, that’s not something that games normally have.

Some people liking grinding difficulty levels. Sometimes folks stop if they can’t get further, or if they find what the AI is doing too unfair, they get frustrated instead. It’s a valid reaction.

(I just stay at the lower difficulty levels, makes no difference to me what the devs add or don’t do there)

I mean, yeah, but at the same time, what else can they do to increase difficulty? Age of empires saga doesnt have the best AI. So apart from letting it do tons of BOs and the natural robot-speed clicking and actions, there is nothing more microsoft can do to make the game harder apart from straight out giving ressource gathering bonuses.

Make you start in an earlier Age.
Make you not be able to advance past a certain Age.
Disable your ability to use God Powers.
Disable certain units and technologies for you.
You start with less stuff, like with fewer resources, units, buildings and technologies.
Enemies start with more stuff like more units, buildings and technologies.

That is some things I can think of that they can do with campaigns, and I would not like playing the campaigns again with them doing that stuff.