The meaning of this picture is?We will get an update soon?

Revolts, especially in DE, are a very cool concept.
But shoehorning good civ candidates into this format as a cheaper alternative is not cool.


I don’t think them as revolts would be the last we saw of them. So that’s why I was fine with it.

Il ne faut pas oublier que certaines civs ont été au début des révoltes avant de devenir des civs à part entière comme les USA et le Mexique, après pour être honnête je suis rongé par le doute à propos de l’avenir d’AoE3, ça fait un moment où il y a rien comme news à propos du jeu concernant un DLC ou un patch majeur et cela m’inquiète petit à petit.

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i think there is a bit of a difference between revolutions that have been in the game since 2006 and which where very objectively actually revolutions and who then got added because the scope of what faction can be included was enlarged by the new developers and the new developers making 2 non revolutionary countries into revolutions. like why would they actively make revolutions rather than full civs, which takes time and resources to do, rather than just make the factions to begin with. to me it smells more of either an acceptance that you cant make them into full factions despite wanting to or never having wanted to and then doing this to try and appease the fanbase for those factions.


According to your logic, devs cant afford to make full civs.
Having atleast a few assets (skins, cards, mechanics) from the revolutions would still be great for modders for their civ concepts.

Preventing the devs from using poland and denmark as revs however, doesnt help anyone except maybe 2% of the playerbase concerned with historical misconceptions in a game full of historical misconceptions :confused:

Modders can do anything they want to

Sure. But its nice to have a core to expand on. A basic mechanic that differentiates denmark/poland from the rest of european civs; a few Units with special abilities/stats; good skins etc.

Dont get me wrong, there are mods with amazing skins…
But there is also an ocean of xyz civ-mods with absolute trash or no unique skins at all

We already have assets for both civs, especially the Poles, as part of the Royal Houses.

They can just make other revolutions instead, like the Greeks or the Ukranians. There are many other better alternatives



more units beside winged husars and french polish lancers ofc

Yeah, I would like to see those things, but as a full-fledged civ.

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im pretty certain unique homecities are exclusive to full civs, afaik every revolution uses the same homecity layout.


Something which would be cool if changed

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i’m talking about homecityCARDS

and (potential) unique buildings on the map

I would like to stop seeing more european content and more african, asian or native american ones


And so would I, I’ve said that many times here. I would especially like to see more Asian content, as the continent is extremely empty.

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Bien que je sois français, j’espère voir plus de civs qui ne soient pas européennes.

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Same, I’m a rosbif, however I’d much rather them focus on the wider-world and give us some Civs that fit in with the rest of the Asian Dynasties and African Royals.

Euros have had plenty of attention, an aside from some really, really minor things for me (like a want for a unique Manor skin for Brits!), it really is time for more non-Euro civs, plus new skins/renaming and possibly some reworks for Native American civs (Lakota being absolutely the ones I’d love the Devs to look at mechanically, plus some more appropriate skins/naming for Aztecs as they’re all over the place).

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An addition that I would really like is a skin for European civ gunners, like they did for Ottomans