The melee weapon models of 'Mounted Samurai' and 'Uma Bannerman' are reversed

The melee weapon models of “Mounted Samurai” and “Uma Bannerman” are reversed, with their blades facing upwards. Please fix them.
This bug seems to be related to the way infantry Japanese samurai draw their swords.


Yup- I also found this bug, but as you have already reported it, instead of spamming the topic I will just leave the comment to bump this topic up. I have seen that you report many threats, some of them really hard to spot at the first look. Hope the dev team will fix at least some of them in near future.

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Can this bug be fixed in the next patch?

any update on this? i have post a bunch of times on this bugged seems the devs doesnt care and most of the players are fine with it. I really hope the shield were gone too if they decide to patch it.

Putting this report on top hoping for future fix.

It will never be fixed. Neither will the same issue with Varangian axes. Or spear models. Or Rus onehanded Poleaxe. Or English King one handed Zweihander. Or OTD Landsknecht using a Voulge.

There probably isn’t an inhouse developer with the skillset to make changes to these 5 minute tasks. I am not even joking, most of their work is offloaded to 3D asset producing companies and most design work seems to be done by Forgotten Empires.

How in the hell can a one handed Zweihander wielding King make it into the game? It reveals much about the skillset of the people behind implementation.