I know, but even IF they followed it, it would be 17% higher than Steam suggests. Its THEIR choice, Steam dont force anyone to follow it (I must confess that, even complaining about TMR, WE is much more ethical than other companies when it comes to regional pricing).
The second point is that on WS it’s half the price of what they are charging on Steam.
Third point, that actually can be aimed on the gaming industry as a whole, is that not following regional princes, or putting something higher by mistake, magically only happen outside USA-EU. Can anyone even imagine a company charging a game by double their intended price on USA or EU? Taking days to correct it or at least tell us it’s indeed wrong (and they are contacting Steam to fix it) or if it’s intended?
Truly agree, Steam only offer the price, up to devs to decide.
Still not understand the weird choice between DLC more expensive than price though. It’s notable that, looking the exchange rate of Brazil Real and USD. The TMR DLC will be around 10USD on Steam.
Then again, it’s extremely wack after compare base game price with DLC price.
I have this same issue too, I was about to buy it but realized it’s more expensive than the other DLC that offers the same number of contents or even more…like what’s going on here?
with the global inflation, they are likely testing water to see how many would buy at the suggested price. if enough people does this, the price probably gonna stay.
Because 3 new civ is 3 supperman you can destroy everything with they
Pardon for my being a grammar nazi, but you only need one p in “super”, ONLY unless you’re referring to a dinner meal or some such, in which case it’s “supper”.
Price definitely should be lower. People who bought this Dlc for old price should have very big discount with the next Dlc in 2024. I think this price is very unfair for now.
If, IF, they follow AOE3DE steps, they’ll offer buyers the opportunity to refund it, so people can buy it again for the right price
Any news on this @aocashleylynn ?
if she doesnt have any say on the pricing/marketing side, then best method is to not buy it at the current price.
again if enough purchase at these high prices they will take it as a sign people will cave into it and eventually it’ll just be the new norm. either waiting for a discount several months down the road, or purchase at higher prices.
I think affordability of the game and DLC is dependent on wages and cost of living. So the higher your country’s minimum wage, the cheaper the DLC will seem. E.g. 22.8 zloty per hour minimum wage in Poland is around £4.45 per hour in the UK (or $5.38 in the USA) vs. £10.42 per hour minimum in the UK (around $12.62 in USA). However l’m certain that despite lower wages, cost of living in these countries in Eastern Europe and South America is significantly cheaper. So it should all balance out anyway.
Yes. It is definitely affordable in most countries/regions (at least in mine, it is)
But all this is not about the dlc being affordable, it’s about the unfair price compared to the base game or the other dlcs and how steam and ms store have completely different prices for TMR. Purchasing it via steam costs almost twice as doing it via MS store (!!!) at least here. Affordable? Yes. Fair? Nope.
Then let’s wait til it’s in sale
I like that it is expensive. It makes people think twice before buying more lazy DLCs.
It’s on preorder discount though.
This must be dependent on region because I only paid £10.62 via pre-order on Steam, compared to £9.99 for the other DLCs in the past. Base game is £14.99
Any updates? I fear we will lose the pre order discount if it gets corrected too late.
DLC is going to be released tomorrow. Looks like they put that price on purpose and they are going to do nothing about it. I guess we should say thanks for that…
Yeah, and they didn’t bother to explain why the prices are so different. It’s the first time I won’t buy a DLC on pre-sale. I won’t pay double the price unfairly on Steam and I don’t have the game on MS Store. So, when a good sale discount appear on Steam, maybe I’ll take this DLC. Sad, if MS begins to treat the prices like this, I fear it will be bad for the game and it’s public.
Don’t expect too much soon because as being a new DLC it won’t be on sale until at least mid 2024.