The new DLC announcement was a great disappointment

The recent DLC announcement was an incredible disappointing I mean we get 5 new SCENARIOS 13 are old ones for 13 DOLLARS I really love the franchise but it is a bit worrying how microsoft is making such a blatant cashgrab (like aoe mobile) dont get me wrong Filthydelphia is an amazing creator and he already created most of them but still the DLC had SO much potential but in the end they want to make the most profit with the lowest effort. I wanne know what you think of it and if you think 13 Dollars is justified for this


Couldn’t agree more.

And I was ready to buy it now at 15% off to play it ASAP but I changed my mind. The amount of content is not worth more than half the price so I will wait for it to go 50% off.

I could purchase it even for the full price but the marketing and the pricing do not deserve it.


Potentially it could be only 3 new levels. Most likely is the Charlemagne scenario is just the Saxon Revolt, and that the Fetih and Constantine scenarios are the same but from different perspectives.

So… 3 new levels, 16 recycled ones. A total scam.


couldn’t agree more. the announcement stream was a cringy waste of time as well

I don’t think I’m valueing it at even 25% of its asking price. But considering how they presented it and what it represents I have decided to not spend any money on aoe franchise anymore, unless something drastic changes

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The time going, I tend to reevaluate my judgement.
About the price: we need to get to the fact that inflation is here. Full expansions will be $15, and the “lighter” like V&V a little less ($13). I am personally okay with this price range.
Marketing: that’s the worst. They advertised in a way that mislead many of us (including myself).
Content: well, I think we are lucky our long lasting beloved game still receive content (both multi and single player), and concerning the reuse of mod, maybe we should wait to see. Also, there is The Forgotten precedent, which can help to think more positively about it.
To sum up, after my initial disappointment, I am broadly happy to get new SP content. I am just a bit anxious about the future (although they did say there will be future content!), because I personally would love the number of campaigns matching the civs (Chineses, Koreans, Slavs, Romans, Magyars…), for both AoE2 and ROR, as well as more civs (especially ROR), bug fixes, etc.


is it? what is driving the inflation here?

the two main factors in software are:
-employee salaries: microsoft lay-off literally thousands of workers recently. This is not the environment where you can ask for a raise. So if anything those costs are down not up.
-server costs: both cost per CPU and cost per RAM is consistently going down as technology improves

so no, I don’t buy the inflation argument. I’d be willing to bet the 90% of the price increase goes straight into profits or the development of whatever other product they are trying to push next (looking at you aoe:mobile)

additionally this isn’t a price increase of 10-15% (along with inflation), but closer to 100-500% (depending on how you compare the price of individual scenarios to campaigns, and campaigns to civilizations)


I don’t explain inflation in general. Just that MS increased the price by 50% (from $10 to $15 for standard DLC) and it won’t change. We just have the power to buy or not, and is kind of a personal appreciation (in my country, it’s a movie theater ticket price equivalent…). And there is sales!
People asking for decreased prices or last minute more content are desillusional.

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ah i see. i misread what you wrote.
you are saying that msft decided to increase their prices, causing inflation
not inflation made msft increase their prices

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At least The Forgotten recieved significant changes over time, like updating the unit sprites, new architecture sets and free campaigns added with updates. It might have started out as a mod, but it was changed to be up to official standards.

Victors and Vanquished, is another story… These are literally just custom scenarios with barely any changes. You can’t compare it with The Forgotten.


Considering there are a dozen other threads on the subject already, shouldn’t be hard.

But yeah, the consensus is that it’s overpriced for what it offers. And many are upset by the false advertising of it having been called “campaign-focused.”

Friendly reminder that these are assumptions, and that we can’t make a fully accurate judgment of the value of V&V until we confirm what is/isn’t in it. However, this may turn out to be entirely correct, and I certainly have low expectations.


Friendly reminder that they are enticing us to preorder with the current knowledge

There isn’t much difference between 3 and 5 scenarios, considering the grand total is 19. So… Between 75 and 85% of this new content is recycled. Not good.


I really can’t agree more with you, 13 dollars?! Jeez, at least something between 5-7 seems more affordable, but this?

I’ll not buy it, specially because I don’t play too much in single player.


This is the first dlc I will not buy. The RoR was pushing it but I wanted Romans. This comes with nothing of value to me.


What about the new achievements, 20 in total?

I only play this game with friends at this point, so single player scenarios and achievements are just not appealing. I have never cared about AoE2 achievements, especially not the campaign related ones. I might have if I hadn’t played the game as a kid. Unless this DLC has some secret sauce to it that makes it more appealing than I’m expecting, I’m not planning to buy it.
I have bought every DLC to date. I was even excited to try out AoE1 in the AoE2 engine, and if it weren’t so buggy at release, I would have been pretty happy with it. Armenians are one of my new favorite civs to play. It’s a shame that I have to break the streak now.

The new DLC was disappointing for me cause of the “campaign focused” promise being untrue. I just thought our game was different somehow. We’ve kept this game alive for over two decades. Lying to the fans is a problem for new games.

Beyond heartbreaking. My trust was completely torpedo’d. Why would I want to give my money to people like that?


It’s even worse because it came from people from the community.


Yeah… I’ll not buy that DLC, 13$ for just campaigns that you can get from the community is lame

And no, the voice acting and bug fixes are not worth the price, specially when most will only listen 1 or 2 languages and that’s it, I get it the RoR was cuestionable, but hey you get the AoE1 port and the Romans for Aoe2


I understand, but hey at least you can play the AoE1 port and it’s getting the campaigns back without extra cost, and the Romans are quite powerful these days, so it’s not totally worthless.

But this new DLC… man it’s dissapointing

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