The new dlc danes and polish is coming 2025 year and 2024 late

I see that The steamdb this is coming for new dlc danes and polish civ working 2024 late for next year 2025


Are you late to the party?


I wonder what mismanagement they have made this time to delay even this simple of a DLC which doesn’t even require new architecture, let alone shared unit lines and all.


Models, Animation, UI elements, Research, Q&A, voice acting and so on all adds to development time and potential bottlenecks.

Making a DLC isn’t a 1 or even 2 person task, it takes Modellers, Animators, (a) Designer(s), Sound artists, Programmers, Coordinators and Voice actors.

Also we really don’t know how many models will be involved, what if the DLC has 3 new ships? What if we get 20 new units? What if we get 8 new languages all included? Relatively little scope can add a lot to the cost and time. It might also just be that they don’t want to risk launching it the 20th December and then find a big bug is present that they can’t fix before the new year.


They better be making Polish and Danish natively-supported.


I think is not
A new patch is coming!!

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Having waited over 2 years since the last DLC, I hope it’s worth it. Although the game had good support during 2023, 2024 was very disappointing.

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Why is it always the same people replying and the same 4-5 people who like it.

I don’t want to sound mean, but the DLC coming either this year or the next one is kinda obvious

There isn’t exactly several 100 people on this forum.

The same applies the other way you know.

Vocal minority.

We’re but a mere drop in the ocean to the majority of player.

So,I know is aoe3de is coming the Xbox game Series console and login Xbox store



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If you follow the forum somewhat regularly, this guy doesn’t really know how to express his ideas, even chinese community doesnt understand him at all (he is chinese).

Probably he is wishing to have AoE3DE on xbox. I doubt that it will happen, and I prefer that they invest the budget on more DLCs


Yeah, I’m a regular here. I just like to respond logically to him to give him a chance.

I know that what he probably wants to say is that he’d love to see AoE3 on the Xbox however his English grammar and narrative is a little poor.

One day maybe he can just write in Chinese and we can just use the auto translate feature. It would make his (and our) life easier!


I sorry, however my English grammar and narrative is a little poor. maybe I can just write in Chinese but I will work hard English on some grammar :pensive:,so misled everyone

Yeah,l sorry man,l doesn’t really know how to express my ideas,you logically is best,even chinese community doesnt understand but l’m chinese,You know I idea misled everyone,but English is not my native language, Chinese is my native language,Please forgiveness,l should’t have posted mislead information :pensive:

These are conjugation errors and seem more like statements than suggestions or assumptions, but it is understandable knowing that English is not her native language. I have had similar problems because English is not my native language either and I have had to edit many of my posts on several occasions.

Do you think it would take a lot of money to just port the game to a new hardware? I think it would be much cheaper than creating a DLC. It would be very beneficial for the game to find a new market.

One thing doesn’t take away from the other… you can take advantage of the launch of the new DLC by releasing AoE 3 DE on Xbox for its 5th anniversary and the 20th of the original…


Yeah just like they took advantage of the new free version of the game :slight_smile: