The New Modify Protounit Triggers (Scenario Editor)

Tell me, maybe i have some idea.

What your idea @DrMaxy4142 ?

I need to know what you are planning to do, and where the problems are ;D

it seems to me that what he wanted did not exist yet on age of empire III it was too advanced for the current publisher

You mean this ?
If yes, then no, thats sadly not possible… Atleast not by scenario editor only

Yes it is clear this kind of manipulation is more of the level of the editor of starcraft 2.
Maybe the editor of AOE IV will be accessible via scripts and if this is the case it will normally be pushed but I do not expect much further for AOE III already the protounit is an incredible addition I find it already pretty cool.

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We need a new trigger that allows to add the effect CommandAdd.

For example, the tech which allows ethiopan cattle to build field looks like:
< effect type=“CommandAdd” proto=“deField” page=“1” column=“0” >

It literally adds the construction icon of the field in the cattle’s interface.

With this trigger, the possibilities of scenarios are immeasurable. It would be awsome if it’s added !


yes please.
That is the single biggest thing I miss in the AoE3DE Editor compared to AoE2DE.
This would make making maps nearly as powerful as modding in many cases and get around stupid issues like the Japanese Barracks and Stable being a separate building instead of a normal barracks and stable.


Unit Types:
AbstractInfantry = Infantry
AbstractHeavyInfantry = Heavy Infantry [Melee- and Musketeer Infantry]
AbstractSkirmisher = Light Infantry [Skirmishers]

AbstractLightInfantry = Shock Infantry [Cavalry equivalent]
AbstractRangedShockInfantry = Ranged Shock Infantry [Ranged Cavalry equivalent]

AbstractCavalry = Cavalry
AbstractHeavyCavalry = Heavy Cavalry [Melee Cavalry]
AbstractLightCavalry = Light Cavalry [Ranged Cavalry]

AbstractArtillery =Artillery

AbstractVillager = Settler/Villager

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Given that this thread is revived anyways, I’ll add a ‘Add/Remove tag’ trigger. That and the trigger you mentioned, would allow for example, training nonGuardian robber knights at the Stable

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P.S.: AbstractMeleeShockInfantry = [Melee Shock Infantry]
Some bow units use [BowAttack] as their attack type
With [Modify Protounit action unit type] you can make units counter one specific unit [Unit file name]

To make custom HC decks for scenarios (it worked for me):

Find Game data: [Storagedrive]:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\AoE3DE\Game\Campaign

Create a new folder for your decks: Import (copy&paste) your xml-hc deck to the new folder

Your xml-file can be either in the same place or in [Storagedrive]:\Users[User]\Games\Age of Empires 3 DE\ [NUMBER]\Savegame

Click on “Player data” in your Scenario: Click on Set new HC: click on the xml-file in your folder

That isn’t what we mean by custom decks. We know we can just use skirmish decks, because those have a correct checksum, but you gotta delete all your other decks for that civ if you want to give a custom scenario player a specific deck. So it’s a pain. Especially if you’re building multiple decks for multiple players (both human and AI) and want each to have different city and explorer names.

In the old game you could make a homecity with literally any cards you wanted for your custom scenario players by just editing the homecity file in notepad. You could mix and match from different civs and you didn’t need to constantly edit and copy your skirmish decks.

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In the old game, you can also use the home city editor. it was bugged like the current game. But at least we could reset it by modifying its level (which is no longer the case now, the option has disappeared).

Scenario files can contain homecity information on their own, even now. But it’s just bugged.

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Is there a way to change the gather rate from hacienda and rice paddys ? I managed to change the gather rate from the rice paddy food but not from coin i looked in aoe tad data and used the ricepaddycoin action but dosent work.

By the haciende i wasnt abble to change anything anybuddy knows the unit type of the hacienda ?