I play aoe4 because it’s aoe4,not aoe2 or aoe3,aom,it’s aoe4 why you guys change it?
the new patch completely ruined MAA,I can’t figure out why,is MAA too op to you? I don’t want to play another game just have knights and ranged units😅
I would also like to know what’s the reasoning behind nerfing MAA.
And for buffing ranged units (extra range + torch damage), when they’re the most scalable unit type in the game, and most probable to cause issues after the siege nerfs.
I’m sure they had good reasons, but they didn’t share them.
Did they actually nerf MAA or its just because springald are good against them?
If it’s just the springald id say it’s fine as they need good counter. And allow for more varied units.
I think the biggest issue with PUP is more how keep are now very weak because it’s very hard to deal with trebuchet/bombard without anti siege. So you would need a bigger army than them so maybe not worth to build the keep and work on your army size instead.
Now the MAA totally useless,and the wall build time is increased,the inf civs got 0 chance vs cav civs,also the ottomens great bombard can destory every siege units
Yeah Great Bombard, Mangonel and Nest of Bee are a much bigger problem than thr MAA nerf (whats the nerf i can’t find it)
before this patch the MAA can anti siege in castle age now they got no chance in age4 the maa got nerf by their hps,they just cant survive under range fire
I think the ranged units and Cavs in this patch could be too much strong,they changed the game into age2 bro
I still can’t find the patch note, post is deleted or something. Do you know exactly which stats they changed? They just removed hp? At all age?
If range armor is the same they should still be able to dive under TC even with a bit less hp.
And yes i agree they should not try make this game like age 2 or age 3. I don’t like those and play age 4 because the strategy is more interesting and intuitive.
Spears are the real problem at high level. I’m convinced the imperial change was mostly aimed at that unit. Meanwhile hres abassids and English maas are all cancer late late, single composition armies, especially the easily massses and remassed single army compositions, are BAD for RTS which should always be predicated on choices and counter choices.
Next walls have always been too strong and made camping ultra meta. To this day the best way to play most civs is to sit comfy in your base, wall and boom/tech. And push put ONLY when your 4k in base gold runs out… more cancerous stale play style.
I agree with first part. But if you camp in your base you allow your opponent to trade and take all gold on map so it’s not necessarily a good strategy.
I have not found the MaA nerf in patch, i guess it’s just because now they have a new counter which is totally fine with me.
Nerfing elite army tactics is fine imo as English maa in imperial were too tanky. The important is that castle maa have same HP as before as this is the age where they are most relevant
MAA should counter trash units in Late Game, not lose to archers. Surely they will make readjustments.
Just like AoE2 games.
Just like AoE2 games.
Unlike some AOE2 purists who dislike AOE4 because it is different from AOE2, my biggest complaint on the contrary has been it tried too hard to be like AOE2 (or at least persuade people into believing so). It was too afraid of making major innovations (or letting people know) compared to AOE2.
Over the years however I think it has taken a better direction. Adding more diverse unique units is good. Japanese and Byzantine designs are good. Even the variant civ designs are good to me (I only complain about the names). I feel it finally starts trying to get out of the shadow of AOE2. Since AOM and the-game-that-should-not-be-named, the series has seen many innovations and they shouldn’t go back to AOE2 and try to re-invent minor “innovations” based on that.
So when they announced this patch as drastic I was very hyped. Especially I hoped they could add more to siege units (which is imo the most underwhelming part, including the visuals, sound effects, mechanics, etc., compared to their heavy role in the gameplay).
I didn’t expect they drastically change the game to be more like AOE2 than ever. Well that is indeed drastic, but not in the direction I like.
Edit: also MAA as an anti-trash-only-unit in AOE2 has been very underwhelming for decades despite many efforts to improve them. AOE4 seems to have found a good place for them. What is the purpose of reverting?
They only got nerfed in Age 4 to be exact.
The university tech for melee infantry (elite army tactic) gives 20% damage and +4 MELEE armor instead of 20% damage and 20% HP. Also all university tech got more expensive this one being 500 food and 1000 gold (instead of 300 700) which kinda force to priorize.
That means that your classic imperial full tech maa goes from 216 hp to 180 HP in imp.
But Chemistry dont boost Handcannonner anymore, which were the best counter to MAA in imperial. So they also get a buff in imperial by pretty much same amount they are nerf.
handcannoneers got this instead. meaning that their damage vs infantry remains the same (well they got +1 compared to before)
Oh thats cool. I guess MAA get outdated a bit more by technology now in imperial. They are still unaffected and dominant in castle. Which i think is a good change. Just massing English MAA in imperial wasnt very fun to play against
It’s also not the plan for some MAA to go from destroying almost everything to the background against units like archers when it’s the anti-trash.
It’s really only in late Imperial that there’s any difference.
I am skeptical of the double nerf to Elite Army Tactics though.