The new Spanish gold bonus is too weak

Mix them with mangonels. Not too hard.

Yeah. I won’t be surprised to see after 2 months threads like “The new Spanish gold bonus is too OP”.

I think this bonus is good.
I didn’t have the impression that spanish were a terrible civ, just a bit generic maybe, so it not like they needed a massive buff.
So even if you can’t min-max a new rush-strategy out of it, having something equivalent to a free extra villager on gold is still decent.


I can’t really tell if this is “too weak” yet. I think it’s fine they start with a comparably low amount as Spanish still have some Maps where they are “strong”.

I think it’s an interesting idea as Spanish have such a broad tech tree to encourage using it more.
Don’t forget that spanish also don’t have to pay gold for their Blacksmith upgrades anyways, so they are really encouraged to make more use of different unit types with this.
Doesn’t look like much, but can potentially allow completely new strategies with the civ, so it’s fine they start “small”.

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