The reason why units are so hard to distinguish

Units feel hard to distinguish in AoE4 despite the compromises made to art style (the enlarged weapons and their unnatural colors). And I feel there are multiple reasons for that.

In part it’s because the attack animations are very fluid and complex, while also being slow, and while they’re taking place the unit loses its unique stance that makes it stand out, or it obscures its weapon.

Very similar fighting animations are probably one of the worst offenders. When a unit holds a torch, all of a sudden you can’t tell if it’s a military unit or a Villager. The same goes for some of the Delhi units building walls.

Some units also look too similar to each other. During battle it’s hard to tell apart an OotD MAA from a Landsknecht, and this can be devastating. Both units have near identical attire, with the exception of the Landknecht’s hat and it’s two-handed sword. But when the unit swings its sword with a long winding animation, it loses its stance and all you have to differentiate it at a glance from a MAA is the hat. Either that or you need to wait for the slow swing animation which is not ideal when you quickly want to differentiate it. Other units like the newly added Khan Hunters or the Malian units, are even more similar to already existing units, and only differ in the color of their armor, or other small accents which are hard to tell apart from afar.

Adding to it are the particle effects, units seem to cause a lot of dust when walking, or smoke when firing gunpowder weapons, or in the case of the Japanese units all the army looks radioactive. Why not add the halo effect only on the buffing unit (the bannerman), to help with visibility? Especially since Japanese armies have so many melee units that can look very similar, like the Onna-Bugeisha that wields something that looks like a Spear.

Other problems are the overly long pointy sticks that “stick” out too far during fights, making it hard to tell what unit they are hitting in the forest of pointy sticks, and the fact units tend to be somewhat disorderly when fighting.

In light of all this, I find it hard to use Panoramic mode, because most of the detail is lost and the units become way too hard to distinguish, whereas Classic mode feels too close for base management purposes, making the buildings take too much screen real estate. The compromise I found is to use Panoramic mode slightly zoomed in to a level where it’s still farther than Classic. And it makes me wish there was a default Zoom level option added to the Settings, as I have to do this at the start of every game.

I wish more attention was put into visibility, by making unit skins and color accents more obvious when the units break stance to attack (like giving the OotD Landknecht a very colorful feather on their hats), or making the fighting animations much more iconic and faster. Also, there needs to be more care when adding units that are very similar to existing ones. A slight color change is not enough. Small changes between features of their skins is also not enough when looking at the units from afar.

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Indeed, all animations for most units are the same. In AOE2, all unique units have its unique animation and that makes them truly unique. Moreover, attack animations have the force that looks like it will really hurt the enemy units. In AOE4, attack animations look like slow-motion combat and that makes it really boring to look at the fights.


Just try to find the Khans Hunter LOL

Yes, I would say, unit movement is not as fluid and good as the AOE2. In AOE2 players can stack and do some incredible maneuvers and positions to fight against specific units. In AOE4, pro’s tackle this issue by using wide stance lol. Because they are bored of looking units trying to find a way to fight hahahahaha

Yep, also I would like to zoom-in and out more whenever I want. The devs just have to allow us to do this and everyone will be happy. Forcing players to use their way of playing will only hurt AOEIV.

Overall, really good points!!! I can see you are very invested AOE player

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I think there’s a tradeoff and one of the challenges of making a modern RTS is if you do it like AoE2, then the animations will not always match the cooldowns. And if you make them match the cooldowns but also make the swings faster, than the windup will take even longer and it will feel like they’re basically not fighting outside of those short moments when they hit enemy units. On the other hand, if you make units have a permanent stance in a modern RTS, they will sort of look like robots and not look very immersive, because there’s a bigger contrast with the more realistic looking graphics.

I think the way AoE2 does it fits really well for a game made in that period, but for modern games the issue is a bit more nuanced, and you can’t really replicate what was done with sprites back in 1999 if you also want your game to feel immersive. But there should be other subtle ways to improve on this, like making individual unit features stand out more, being more careful that these features are visible at all times during fights, and toning down the smoke/dust/radiation, among other things.

Thanks for the kind words.

In AoE2 many attack animations are not in sync with the actual attacks.

This is why they look faster than AoE4.

I much prefer that animations show when a thing is ACTUALLY happening, even if it means they are somewhat slow.

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I am more of the opposite, faster animations look more immersive. AOE4’s combat animations are boring because its attack animation is slow-motion and looks like it is trying to pet the enemy soldiers. I like AOE2’s combat animation because it has the force and that makes it 1000000000000000x times better and another 100000x’s reason why people love playing AOE2.

I have a hard time taking that number of zeros seriously.

Plus, immersive wise… you think someone can actually stab with a giant halberdier that fast?

Personally I’m not sure if faster animations would impact immersion, but it would definitely impact gameplay, because you couldn’t use that as reliable information. For instance, the Knight charges, then hits a Villager, but then when it hits the Vill the second time it does no damage because it’s just a sped up animation that doesn’t match the cooldown on its weapon. I now realize I mentioned faster animations in the post, but maybe that’s not such a good idea.

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Its about force of the attack speed. Not the overall attack speed.
This is why AOE4’s attacks look slow-motion.
Successful games mostly have fluid animations with proper animations and that makes skilled players shine in the game. But in AOE4, booming is the only skill that is needed.

Shooter games cannot have slow motion animations because it will look stupid.
RPG game also the same. Baldur’s gate have really good animations with force. Why force? Because that is the main thing that causes damage. Low force attacks of the AOE4’ look like soldiers are petting each other softly and that is where it lost many potential players.
Total War franchise is the same, all units have proper animations with force. Aoe 1,2 and 3 did a great job, but somehow AOE4 cannot understand it lol

Yes fast. Watch the AoE2 Halberdier attack animation. He stabs that thing multiple times per second.

What does skill or booming have to do with attack animations? You seem to be talking about different unrelated things


It matters a lot. You might not notice because of lack of experience. Game is like a movie, it needs to have basic physics that makes sense to make it understandable by a normal person and plus players can have control over their given right by the game.

that is false, halberdiers can be fast and slow. It all depends on the situation.

Just watch this video, almost the same speed can be generated…
In the end, you have a powerful tool called “internet” and “search engine” to find everything you need to understand lol…

Nah, you can only criticise it without any explanation and that makes it 10000000000x false statement because anyone can do this

Animations serve only two purposes. Aesthetics, and conveying information to the player.

You can argue about the former, but AoE2 for example does not consistently do the latter where AoE4 does.

They could make the attack portion, the swinging of the sword, of the animations faster, but in order for them to still sync with actual attacks you would have to increase the idle animation time between them. Which could potentially look much worse. It’s a balancing act.

What’s your problem anyway?

Yeah I think we’re done here.