Is this another “No Knight” DLC? Neither of the 3 screenshots featured a knight. And at least 2 out of the 5 new civs won’t have Knight in their tech tree as we can see from sneak peek.
Why should they have Knight? Knight is a European thing. Sino-Circle countries have their own features.
Fire Lancer replace Knight? But Jurchen and Tangut should have Knight-line. Dali may have access to elephant instead.
Hei Guang Cavalry replace Knight-line for the new civs (not all of them), they are going to get Knight and Cavalier but no Paladin similar
Seems like it. But not for everyone. At least one of them won’t have either. The one that has HCA in Castle Age doesn’t have any. I have a feeling that is Khitans and they will have discounted SL as a civ bonus.
The Fire Lancer has the same armour class as the Eagle Warrior so they might play a similar role. They are clearly not an anti Infantry unit.
Since they have a spear they might do some bonus damage vs. Cavalry but not sure how their charged gunpowder attack will be like. Assuming it’s a charged attack.
They don’t seem to be fast runner units though, but who knows. They don’t seem to be the kinda unit that would have very high pierce armour.
I don’t think you can draw any conclusions from the screenshots – they will have picked which units to use based on looks and the theme. For example, in the snowy screenshot, red has chu ko nu, hussars and onagers, but no civ has that combination.
I’m quite intrigued by this one:
They look quite underpowered based on the tech tree alone. I assume that new cavalry unit will either be a unique unit with a high attack, or a regional unit with a bonus, to make up for the lack of iron casting.
Seems unlikely since Fire Lancer is an infantry trained from Barracks. You can see that in the tech tree.
It might be an eagle-like unit. Besides, fire lancers are cavalry in aoe4
I’m very confused by the Hei Guang Cavalry. It is supposed to be a Stable unit, not available for Chinese, Koreans and Vietnamese. Who else would get them, other than Chinese?
Chinese won’t lose Knights, according to patch notes. But why, if Hei Guang is just a Knight-replacement? Or was there a mistake in patch notes and Chinese will get Hei Guang Cavalry?
Either Khitan or (most likely) we are getting a Xianbei civ
The supposed Dali wonder was built by the Xianbei
One theory is that 1-3 of the civs will be 3 Kingdoms Period civs, maybe all of them get that cavalry?
We dont really have any evidence of that, Ornlu was jumping to conclusions a bit seeing the slight extension of the AoE timeline as “yeah we are getting three kingdoms stuff”
Hei Guang cavalry itself is evidence as well as the Jian Swordsman. Especially because the Jian Swordsman seems to have a similar role as the Fire Lance since they share an armour class.
The screenshot of the civ that has 0 gunpowder units (not even Fire Lance) is some other evidence. For example the traction trebuchet seems to be a Bombard Cannon replacement that obviously doesn’t use gunpowder.
The new Xie An scenario also takes part close to the 3 Kingdoms Period.
None of this is any prove of course but it’s evidence.
You are just repeating what Ornlu said
Jian was used all across the medieval period, the new scenario is just a few years away from Alaric yet 150 years away of the Three Kingdoms. China History has a long lomg time beetwem Three Kingdoms and Gunpowder
The cav UU im pretty sure was named after an armour that was used for a long time aftee three kingdoms
I hope that the line has lower health pool but higher attack (and possibly even armor).
Ofc then they wouldn’t be as all-purpose as the knight line, but more specialised in the fields where cavalry should shine - and would need more support in the situations other unit types should be better suited for.
like in Castle age it could have 70 HP, 4/3 P armor 11 Atk and in imp 100 HP 6/4 P armor 15 atk. This should roughly be balanced with the knight line, but with the twist of making it weaker to hard-hitting units/buildings and stronger against uits with lower damage.
Which means you need to be super careful against the counters and when to take the engagements as upgrades like bloodlines are crucial, On the other hand they can sit under TCs and just tanking the damage, raid and can trade very efficient against other generalist units. With the high armor you can also get extra value from monk healing on them.
I have a feeling that the unit is just a knight with 5 HP and/or 1 attack difference.
Am I the only one guessing that Hei Guang Cavalry is very likely just a scenario editor unit?
We literally have a tech tree with a civ having an UU at the stable