The ZOOM still sucks big time. Epic fail on that aspect, Relic. Shame. This is 2021

I have seen an infinite amount of posts about things that are as simple as “it’s bad” or “I don’t like it”.

These are all opinions. Disliking them just because you disagree with them is no basis for discussion, and it looks like you’re not budging on it.

I wanted to talk about the zoom, but we apparently can’t move past this. All I can say is: there can be valid reasons for the zoom being constrained, and people are free to not like the level of zoom even though there might be valid reasons for it.

Arguments (that have been made in this very thread, that prompted me to reply in the first place) along the lines of “the devs are bad at optimising” are not good arguments. Performance is difficult. If it was something like “graphics”, sure, hammer the developers to give you more graphical options. But zoom affects gameplay. Letting someone zoom out more because they have better hardware literally gives them in an ingame advantage. That is something games have avoided since competitive games first became a thing.

If you want more zoom, and performance is what’s stopping the zoom from being further out, you need to recognise that. If you want to call me a fanboy, or call it an excuse, whatever. I tried.

From this thread.

I definitely believe you now, you’ve changed my mind! :upside_down_face: