There is something I can't understand about Inca's design

I think we don’t need to remove Bolas Warrior’s area damage. That is a unique feature for this unit. What we need is change Bolas Warrior’s tag, and adjust its speed. There is already a similar unit we can reference in the game. That is Mapuche Bolas Rider.

Here’s why I say I need to get remove area damage.

  1. Units in a cramped areas can die at once. This is too serious punishment for miss control.

  2. Shock infantry dies too easily. They are smaller units than cavalry, so they take more damage in a single attack. The Inca and Aztec shock infantry have low HP, which is why Light cavalry has a lower magnification for shock infantry, compared to melee cavalry.

Skirmisher with regional damage can be positioned directly as Falconet.
I am in favor of creating a Javelinman to become an Inca Musketeer

Huaraca is described as good at attacking artillery, Should be replaced with the attributes of the eagle warrior,Like dragoons who are not good at fighting heavy cavalry, but with high siege damage. Huaraca’s attack range is too short, but becoming an assault infantry should help

Inca can use Estate to produce gold coins
So I will try to build as much as possible, but there is no card to save wood.