Summarizing my thoughts and guesses:
A new civ is probably going to get something related to lumber camps or drop-off sites in general. I think it’s very likely that it’s going to be mobile drop-off sites.
The much hyped Persians rework is probably going to be something bigger than just numbers tweaking which when you consider the “Indians” rework means probably that the DLC is going to be centered on that.
Considering point 1 and 2, it means probably that we’re going to get another Central Asian civ using mobile drop-off sites or less likely Persians are going to get them for some reason. I wouldn’t know the historical justification for it.
Caucasus alongside America and Africa is one of the most requested new civ regions right now and a Persian rework would fit naturally into it considering both are roughly in the same region. I don’t see them using a mobile drop-off site for either. At least I’m unaware of any historical justification for it. Georgians and Armenians aren’t really famous for woodcutting either. Correct me if I’m wrong.
The absence of new architecture sets post-DE means Armenians and Georgians are going to use already existing sets. Happy to be surprised otherwise.
Personal opinions:
I am more hyped for Armenians and Georgians than most other DLC civ we got so far except the Dynasties of India civs which I can’t imagine playing without.
I would hate it if Armenians and Georgians would use Eastern European or Mediterranean architecture. I can’t stand to look at the same architecture sets over and over again.
I hope that if the next DLC is going to focus on this region that the next one is definitely going to focus on America/Africa. Long overdue to get something new there. Especially I don’t see them making Armenians and Georgians an archer civ which would seem more likely if we’d get another American or African civ.