They Cancel AOE3 DLC for AOE4 DLC Im Certain

Read, Last AOE4 DLC was the biggest sale they ever gotten in entire age franchise

and since Beasty most popular content creator of aoe4 said the next DLC is the biggest ever, really hope its 4 Civs and variants. Meanwhile, AOE3 playerbase is like half if not alot less than AOE4, finding a match takes 8 min, i rather they do a remake for AOE3 as AOE5 since the engine is really old and could use a remake.

So it makes sense from a business standpoint why they cancel AOE3 DLC, since its just not profitable. and Forgotten Empires also help with AOE4 DLC

Im Certain AOE3 was Cancel because of AOE4 DLC since its coming this may and its the largest and biggest DLC ever

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I think It’s likely a combination of all these factors—financial viability, franchise priorities, and future potential—that led to AoE III DE being dropped while AoM Retold is still in play. Microsoft is likely making long-term strategic decisions based on where they see the most value in the RTS market.

That would be a game set after AO3

I assume you’re refering to AOEII2


My guess is that they need all hands on deck for Age of Mythology because there’s at least 2 more DLCs they contractually have to make (Already made presales) and the game’s not precisely doing too hot right now either in numbers of performance wise.


If you believe this claim, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to you.

There’s no possible way this DLC outsold the Conquerors.

Aside from that, as others said, it’s likely driven by a few things, none of which have to do with AOE4

-AOMR shares the same game engine, has two obligated DLCs, and is clearly in dire straights
-Corporate suits likely look at the relatively low profit and say it’s not worth it
-General apathy against AOE3 in general at Worlds Edge (the management is almost entirely AOE2 focused)


Its posted by Age of Empires Twitter, its Official and they said it

and yep it did outsold Conquerors , they literally said its the best selling DLC in the entire franchise

if you dont trust the Devs i guess everything you think they said is a lie too


I mean no one really believes that since they didnt release the numbers
Best selling of DE era? More than lords of the west possibly. But all time? Better than conquerors? Which had 4.1 million+ copies sold when aoe4 currently on the best estimate has what 2.3 million copies of anniversary edition (best number I could find from Video Game Insights – Games industry data and analysis) ? Yeah call me a conspiracist.


Actually, AoE4 is set during the same timeframe as AoE2.

That’s why they said

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Why are u even playing age of empire games if u dont believe what they said

since what u wrote is literally saying AOE 1- 4 devs are liars

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I dont even know where to start
Yeah, again almost no one believes this stat from age2 to 4 players. Not believing a company is pretty standard especially when they dont show the actual numbers.

Do you also believe dragon age and star wars outlaws were completely runaway sucesses? Do you just nod when toyota tacoma, ford ranger, and nissan Ridgeline all debut the best selling truck in class every single year? Or do you trust your own eyes and brains when a prior expansion has sold 2x the amount of current sold units at best of the base game? I guess not.

Again, if they want to show the data, maybe xbox pass playtime is included. Or some demo. I dont know. But I know basic math and until I can see them demonstrate basic math ima call it. If you want to believe them over evidence thats your prerogative.

Lastly the idea of thinking you cant enjoy a product but be critical of the owner is just silly. I can enjoy a Bethesda game despite todds sweet little lies, and my enjoyment of age3 and 2 hasnt changed dud to their claims. I think its kind of child like to be unable to seperate corporate games from the actual game


I think ur on the wrong forum if you are a hater of age of empires honestly

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I think you might be if you think anyone who differs in thought on a forum, defined as a place to conversate, can only mean a hater. I do not hate age of empires I simply do not believe the claim based on available evidence. You could stop trying to put words in my mouth and simply provide the proof it sold more than 4.1 million if its the truth.


You can go ask the Devs who made the Age of Empire series. you got the wrong person,

like i said if you dont trust their words, not even sure why your here then

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So in short you got nothing and try to put words in my mouth. Noted


You arent any better when you said the Devs are lying

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Also many ppl on this forum doesnt understand
World Edge did not help made the DLCs
its Forgotten Empires for AOE3

Age of Empire 3 DLCs is done by Forgotten Empires, not World’s Edge, at least do your research right

which they also help with AOM DlCs and AOE4 DLCS

World Edge help made AOE3 sure, but they didnt work on any of the DLCs

Check their Page


Never said that, thats your words. 1rst not devs, marketing. Devs dont run social media. You do know the difference between a dev and the PR team right?

2nd, there are many ways to massage numbers to get results. Trial periods, passes (xbox pass) bundled deals etc. You rarely see any company now post stats because they are cooked. You want to say it sold more? Then i want to see 4.1+ million sold copies. If its 3.0 million sold but 1 million plays on xbox pass, both my claim and devs (well marketing) claim can be stated. These are common games played.

Again, if they wanted to be transparent theyd have said it sold x number of copies. They recently did this by saying 25 million copies sold of aoe franchise total (of which 10 million we know is AoKAoC, a few million more is aoe1 and the rest split somehow between all titles since. They did not. So no, I am able to say this is clearly not the full picture and I doubt it based on evidence. You dont have to like it, but its going to be better received than blind trust and trying to twist words.


Tbh I think it is likely that Sultans Ascend outsold Conquerors. Lower price + digitally available.

@OP: You should maybe stop copy-pasting your threads between the forum and Steam hub:

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Haters? We love the Age of Empire series and its management the same way they love us.