Things that need buff and nerf and things that NOT need buffs and nerfs

That joke was lame rhe first time and still is.

It wasn’t a joke, just a pun 11. And I meant it. Elephants are useless

You have khmer to thank for that. Elephants (in particular +scorp composition) was too strong and devs just nerfed the unit all across the board.


In 1v1 sure. Not so much team games.

Yeah, of course. The same old phrase. Tell me the last time you saw an elephant civ as pocket

Normally when I see khmer. Thing is khmer aren’t an auto pick in team games anymore

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I seriously haven’t seen khmer pocket since last nerf, neither my elo lvl (1300)nor at pro games.

And let’s not talk about burmese pocket, please 11

The four battle elephant civs now have winrates below 50% in team games, khmer being the better one of them. So a little elephant buff shouldnt make them imbalanced in team games.

And depending of the buff, it could be also good for 1v1 games with those civs in closed maps such as arena.

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I see people using war elephants (myself included) at Arena occasionally.
Good new, BEs nerfs made War eles more appealing as they still deal 50% trample damage.

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Yeah go and give any sort of big eco bonus and the Infantry spam is more broken than ever…

Sad elephant archer noises

Yes, agree, none of the civs you mentioned need buffs or nerfs.

Still think lithuanian bonus could be curbed.

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No-one remembers Elephant Archers. They basically don’t exist. It’s a shame, because it seems like even the devs don’t think about them.

the problem with the elephant archers is that they are incredibly strong once you can get them up in numbers and almost impossible to take down, so how do you buff them without breaking them?

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