I’m tired of coming to this forum for over a month, seeing everyone talk about the same problems over and over again, with nothing being done. I’m leaving this community. I’ll be back when they bring a proper update that at least makes the game somewhat balanced.

  1. Villagers and units can push animals on the map;
  2. The optional auto-queue divides the community between those who use it and those who don’t;
  3. Fimbulwinter ruining every team game;
  4. The production queue in the warehouses shuffling upgrade orders and ignoring the order you clicked on them;
  5. The same in the Armory, always prioritizing shields first in the queue, even if you clicked on shields last (even with all resources available for the other upgrades);
  6. No button to select all market caravans;
  7. RIDICULOUS hotkeys that no one can use because they were designed for aliens—human hands can’t conform to these hotkeys. All they need to do is bring back the option to use the original hotkeys from the classic game;
  8. The user interface can’t be modified. As if having the food, wood, and gold indicators on the left side of the screen or the map being on top or bottom would give any competitive advantage. This should be customizable;
  9. Villagers simply can’t build walls properly, and some maps still don’t allow walls on the edges, letting enemy armies pass through;
  10. The shift command queue doesn’t work properly. When you order your troops to destroy a building and then, using shift, click on another building, if there are nearby enemies, they’ll ignore your orders and attack instead;
  11. Dumb villagers that don’t spread out to hunt, with 10 villagers gathering from the same deer, then wasting time shooting another deer 10 times before moving on, all while other animals are slowly moving farther away from the mill;
  12. You build a warehouse next to a gold mine, but if there’s ONE SINGLE tree near the warehouse, some villagers will start chopping that tree, disrupting your gameplay because you thought you had 10 villagers on gold, only to find that 5 of them stopped because the tree was gone.

I could go on all day. Games with smaller budgets release weekly updates! Games with programming teams without experience! Meanwhile, Microsoft hires a bunch of slackers who can’t implement improvements efficiently!

I’m done with this until this team grows a backbone and starts working! I don’t care about the passive defenders who will stick up for the incompetent developers. If you want to keep playing a game full of bugs, go ahead and enjoy exploiting them. I don’t like that kind of thing and would rather play a game where the community and developers are focused on improving the game and the overall gaming experience!


And then there’s me, the guy who enjoys the game near to every day together with his friends since release.
Be patient, many balancings, multiplayer stuff (especially competitive stuff) and other small issues will be fixed in the future. They are still working on the first DLC at this point.
But really, don’t expect drastical game changes in a few weeks just because the same three faces are mobbing around thread after thread about the same things they are annoyed of.
I’m sure they will do something with fimbulwinter in the future and the hotkeys are… one of it’s kind, true.
But if all this things bother you so much that you constantly complain about it in a online forum, then i guess it’s the best decision for you to simply don’t play this game at this point. Don’t get me wrong, i don’t want to offend you, i’m just always a little curious how people can play a game so much, that they find so many small things in it that annoy them so much that they write it constantly down for weeks or month in a forum and still play it. Why play something you don’t enjoy or that botheres you so much? Just curious, really.


I’m not offended by your words, in case you were concerned about that. We are adults, and since I’m criticizing, I must also be open to criticism.

  1. I like this game and want to see it in the best shape possible.

  2. It frustrates me to see it being treated the way it is by this team of developers.

  3. They are doing a poor job, and I understand that new players might not notice the flaws, but I intend to point them out so they can be fixed as soon as possible.

  4. What motivates me to play despite these problems? Well, I enjoy the game; I enjoy playing it and exploring its possibilities. I don’t think it’s a crime to criticize something I paid money for. I at least expect the basics from the team.

  5. The fact that I dedicate so much time and effort to the forum should say something, don’t you think? What is the forum for, after all? Praising the developers? They’ve made good changes and additions to the game, for sure. But I’m not going to create posts praising what they got right, because what’s right is already right. What’s wrong needs to be fixed, and that’s why I participate in the forum.

  6. Believe me, it’s not just three people complaining. You made that claim dishonestly to diminish all the posts from people who want to see the game in good shape as soon as possible so it can become more fun.


the list of issue is entirely valid. we got similar problem in age2 and age1 so it isn’t just game specific, its the priority they target these issue and more so the devs or their management behind these games.

we are more functional oriented and most of what u listed ties to just that, QoL feature suppose to work but doesn’t. most casual player just like u said will not notice these issue if they play with just mouse and maybe 1 or 2 hotkeys at most hence they dont see any problem with the game.

but once u start using these feature and they dont work properly or completely lacking then it really starts to show that the team behind mostly care about the appearance rather than its actual quality.


bashing the game doesnt help nobody bro. chill.

your points can be argued and some are straight valid. but dont be throwing around bad words to the game. remember the team working on it is small. blame microsoft for not throwing more money on it…


Oh i’m not a new player. Maybe i’m just looking more onto the ‘‘good’’ things they do. I don’t know.

Good points. I understand your position/motivation better now.

The ‘‘three people’’ sentence was more of an hyperbela of some kind. It’s the ‘‘what it can look like’’ for other people if you know what i mean. Sorry if this sounded too harsh.

We all want to see the game in good shape. And criticism is important. Creating threads to discuss balancing issues, reporting bugs etc. are things that can help developers in a long term and these are the things forums are meant for. I think we all agree with most of your points. The thing is, development needs time. Especially for a smaller team that works at new content at the same time. Emotional motivated posts like this can overshadow the important key message/critics. Maybe that’s what i wanted to say. Don’t expect solutions right after people pointed the problems out. I’m very optimistic that many of your stated things will be fixed with time.

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Ok ! It’s a good thing only the most enthusiastic players will be left, the best will stay with the game for the DLC, and the birds of ill omen take to the sea

  1. Is a mild curiosity at worst. The fact that your villagers can move your ox carts is more of an issue, but still only a pretty minor one.
  2. Most of the community likes it this way. You are part of a vanishingly small minority that disagrees. Play lobby games instead of ranked if you insist on always having military autoqueue.
  3. I’ve never had a game ruined by Fimblewinter. It’s overpowered and should be nerfed in TGs, but it’s not so bad that it’s ruining the game.
  4. Queues don’t ignore the order you click on them. What are you even talking about?
  5. ??
  6. I can’t say that I’ve ever wanted this, but I guess it could be nice to have.
  7. Which ones are ridiculous? The hotkeys in this game are brilliant. I could never go back to not having grid hotkeys.
  8. Disappointing, but this can at least be modified using a mod. I have it in the bottom left and it works just fine.
  9. I haven’t noticed problems with walls. I suggest submitting a bug report with video evidence and the save file to the Bug reports sub-forum.
  10. This is, admittedly, a big problem. But it’s not quite as you describe it. The real problem here is that units frequently ignore your instructions and attack something other than what you told them to.
  11. This is normal behaviour. In fact it’s preferred behaviour, to prevent decay.
  12. Annoying, but fairly natural behaviour. Avoiding this sort of thing is part of the basic micro skill of the game.
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your point 2 answer is a straight lie. how come “most of the community likes it this way” when it was a hot debate in each pro new video about AoM. You like it that way, but dont try to make it seem like only a minority wants MAQ default in ranked. If we are fair, from 40% to 50% of players wants that MAQ in ranked by default.

Almost every pro I saw said either it was a good compromise or they would have preferred that even villager autoqueue was removed. I never saw anyone high level saying military autoqueue should be in ranked. I’m sure there were a few, but the overwhelming consensus was against military autoqueue. That’s why it was removed. They consulted with the community in private during the development of the game and came out with this.

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wait a minute, so its the majority of players or the majority of PRO players? also, do you count beasty? since he just left, vortix too. And how come its a majority of players when the fact pros did those videos bashing MAQ in ranked was to convince the playerbase why it was supposedly bad for the game, meaning lots of players were in favor of MAQ in ranked.

Again, you are not being sincere on this. You are against AQ, and thats okay, but dont straight up lie. I am full in favor of default AQ in every game mode like it was in Titans and EE, but i do aggree the 50% to 60% of players wants the game how it is right now. We have no need to lie

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I read two things here that I just can’t swallow:

  1. Be patient with everything and don’t expect them to fix the problems since they’re focused on the new DLC;

  2. The team is small, so don’t expect them to fix the problems since they’re… focused on the new DLC.

I have an idea: How about fixing the game’s problems first and then working on a new DLC? I hope at least it will be free. Because releasing a game and abandoning it in its first months of existence to create a stupid new DLC without first fixing the major bugs and balance issues the game is facing is a disrespect to those who bought the game during pre-launch and launch.


Like you said in another post, where are these PROs now? They left!

And 99% of people playing casually use the auto-queue. Doesn’t that say something? Or maybe it’s just a coincidence.

If they want to divide community, I vote for 2 ELO system: One with autoqueue, another without autoqueue. Let’s see what one will have more players.

Some very valid points of criticism but a bit to aggressive and I don’t like the title.

Blizzard should take notes on how to do a proper remake/rework. Even this has some obvious issues which hopefully get fixed sooner or later it’s still miles ahead from what most other remakes/reworks are.

But yes many of those things are a smaller and bigger issue and has to be fixed sooner or later.


I have to admit, the upgrade auto queue is terrible. I just don’t understand why it can’t stick to the order in which you queue things and only change order when there’s resource constraints, by starting whichever has resources first and research that until the end.

I ended up somehow having 2 upgrades suspended at 40-50% with a 3rd starting up lol.

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I really don’t want to be harsh but it sounds a little bit like if you were ignoring the updates they have already done. It’s not long times ago when the wolves of fimbulwinter where controllable units and other stuff. It’s work in progress. It’s not that they are doing nothing. I think that’s what we want to say.

We already have the option of preferring military autoqueue in ranked. A vanishingly small number of players actually use it. I actually don’t want to play with MAQ, but I tick the option for it anyway because I don’t mind if my opponent has it, and I’m curious to see how many do. Less than 5% of my 1v1 matches in ranked have had MAQ enabled. The evidence is quite clear: people do not want it. Some might not care, others have decided they specifically don’t want it. Not many do want it.

Was I supposed to be happy because they “fixed” something they themselves ruined? Controllable wolves? Who came up with this idiotic idea? Did they even play the original AoM for more than 10 hours? Did they at least consider why things are the way they are in the original game?

Some things in the original game were the way they were due to hardware limitations, like population caps and so on. But the Fimbulwinter not being controllable certainly had a very reasonable purpose.

That’s what I’m talking about—there’s a reason for many things being the way they are. There’s a reason why villagers always prefer to gather gold after building a warehouse, there’s a reason why Fimbulwinter doesn’t spawn wolves at all Town Centers in the game, and so on.

They’re being paid, so I just have one thing to say to the “passive” players who are shocked that I’m using a bit of emotion in my posts: Accept all the game’s problems and bugs in silence. Pay for the game and stay quiet. Problem solved for you.

I agree 100% with you. And it’s very important that problems, failures and bugs like that get reported in the forum. I think i just wanted to calm you down in some way if this makes sense to you. Sometimes we don’t know why things take longer as we expected. And sometimes the reasons for it might be a little bit stupid in the end. But things happen in the background. And sometimes patience is the strongest power we have.

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Would you rather they . . . didn’t?

You can be thankful, rude, grateful, ungrateful for whatever you want. That’s not something anyone else can control. It’s your choice.

When it comes to “what should the devs do”, I do think most players would prefer bugfixes over new content (though I think most players would also want both).

The last patch was on the 12th of November. They advertised a player feedback survey in late November. It’s currently the 2nd of January. This leaves December, a time when most full-time / salaried workers have time off due to various holidays. Speaking as someone who just had 7 paid days off or so over Christmas (plus weekends, Bank Holidays, etc), while you try to mitigate the impact, you can’t exactly stop your team taking their annual leave, and people tend to use it for times like Christmas.

It’s often a pain point for players, especially as autumn / fall is a popular release window for games, meaning that the state of the game by that first Christmas break is critical.

But the game’s holding at 90% on Steam, which I think is incredible for a remake of a 20 year-old niche RTS. They extended the holiday even to tide people over the Christmas break, and I have every hope we’ll see an update soon enough.