Huh, did some testing, and vills start from the edge but always build from one side to the other, but they never build the corner section first. That said when building with multiple vills, it seems they all go to build their own segment and then build the closest one to them. So if you build with 3+ vills usually the one on closest to the edge does build the corner section 2nd instead of last.
I often either am building with multiple vills or microing or don’t pay much attention, but I agree wall building seems to be coded weirdly.
I know there are loads of bugs and I hope they will fix those and do other great things with the game but… I have to say despite some issues I genuinely enjoy the game already and know it will only get better :). So if you do not enjoy it - don’t play… in the end its just a game and everybody can decide what to spend their time on!!!
What other RTS games do you want me to play instead? I have played StarCraft2 for a long time now. I still do play them from time to time but not doing the ladder anymore. I want something else. Something new.
Do I want to play AoE3 or AoE2 instead of AoE4? It looks older. AoE4 is not on topnotched graphics but it looks way better than the old AoE.
I understand that there are features I love on StarCraft 2 that is not present on AoE4. But I dont find it game breaking… except for the bugs being exploited by noobs. But I dont really mind those noob cheaters.
I see some popular RTS players playing this game. I see Serral, Grubby, … I enjoyed seeing #20 Serral destroying players exploiting Springald’s OPness. I appreciated how theViper humiliates powerful civ like the French or Mongols a month ago.
It is a fun game. I enjoy it. The game is not perfect but the game is okay. I understand that there are many Toxic players who can never be pleased. I just avoid them. Becoz there is no such perfect game nowadays… although StarCraft2 is still almost perfect. But I need something different. And this is where AoE4 comes in.
i’ll do the same. get punished because of the civ you choosed to play is surpisingly not fun. Plus the bug, plus the game isn’t well designed no matter what people can say. Enjoy playing the 2 same civs the same way and for years guys ! yoohoo
I’m going to guess falacious was the word of the day on your calendar with the amount you’re using it. Unfortunately it had a typo and forgot the second L.
If you want to get out of the box u need to think out of the box , a game that invested so heavy on marketing to be on the place that it is now is just disappointing, they even had lirik in their LA studio playing the game on twitch. The safe approach that relic took is showing what i saw it would be, a choice for grabbing a good reception but not thinking on long term. In my opinion the lack of support for sure was one of the reasons for the players to leave but the fact that the game is outdated both on gameplay and visuals it’s the reason why we were unable to strongly reach new publics and consequently unable to invite not rts players to try and stick in the game community. Just hope the devs read this and reflect about in their next age game that i bet we will have since this game was a success of selling and reception. It’s a though choice to be made since it’s risky and can end badly but is logically impossible to sit at the top 10 of steam games insisting on something that is just the same. This game lacks daring, and who dare wins.
the age of siege thing I read is sooo real… yesterday in 4v4 we had massive army that was cleared off in exactly 30 seconds by a bunch of -pay attention- 35 bombards…
and the player owner of such bombards teasing and making fun of us cause we were tired of that… he used arguements such as : “its not against the rules// you should have done it too// this game is all about siege…”
-.- dang… ill use more siege in my next game then…
Well if people are complaining there must be something wrong. And if you think simping for the devs will make them see their problems you are wrong. It’s a 60 dolar game. If it was 25 I’d get it but it’s a full release AAA priced game. I’ve been gaming for 15 years and man it annoys me the standards keep dropping because there are always people like you who will pay for everything and defend it no matter what.
This is a forum to discuss balance problems, it doesn’t mean we want to leave… This is a good game but there’s so much potential being wasted its annoying.
I don’t need a popular game just want a good one. I don’t think this criticism is beneficial to the game either. It’s shallow and anecdotal. Type after the process your emotions. This backlash is so unwarranted.
“I don’t like the game so it will never be popular”
“A wolf killed all my villagers because I don’t pay attention”
What kind of post is this lol?
In any case, game is already very popular and will get better over time with more content and refinement.
Watching Grubby’s tournament currently with 6000 viewers alone on his channel, lots more tournaments, including Steel Series coming up, the game has a bright future honestly. Yes, everyone wishes Relic would patch better and faster but it’s currently very playable and fun still.
People always complain though. Siege kills walls to fast it makes walls useless, walls build to fast and are too op, 5 of the 8 civs have threads about them being overpowered and need to be nerfed cause no other civ can compete with them. Hop onto literally any game forum and like 80% of the posts will be complaints, it’s a large reason why most game companies don’t use their forums too much since the are so toxic (even paradoxplaza, a relatively peaceful forum they had to make changes/limit how much devs responded because people were so toxic it effected the employees work.