Thread to Compile Pantheons with at Least 12 or 16 Gods


This creature is not called Simpara, but SIMPIRA.

Technically, this is not an Inca god, but rather a representation of Hanan Pacha:

Let me explain: In Inca cosmology, there were three Pachas: Hanan Pacha (Heaven), Kay Pacha (the Earth), and Ukhu Pacha (the Underworld). In this worldview, each Pacha was represented by an animal: the condor, the puma, and the serpent.

Another important element in Inca cosmology is that Wiracocha is called the “creator god,” but this refers to the god who created civilization. Wiracocha’s role was to organize and civilize the world, not to physically create the planet.

In Inca cosmology, there was a CREATOR GOD OF EVERYTHING (with an intriguing resemblance to the Judeo-Christian God) known as the “Nameless God.” This concept is similar to a primordial deity superior to all other gods, including Wiracocha. The “Nameless God” resembles the idea of an invisible and omnipotent god.

I considered the possibility that this “Nameless God” might be a major god, while the animals representing the Pachas (the Condor, Puma, and Serpent) could be minor Inca gods. However, out of respect for my own beliefs in an all-powerful primordial God, I dismissed this idea.

Additional Elements That Could Be Used:

  • The Inca Hero Villaq Umu (High Priest) should be renamed to Willka Uma (Lesser Priest). This would allow for the possibility that some Myth technologies could improve specific hero classes:
    • Amauta = Amauta Kuna (Amauta of the nobles)
    • Apuq = Apuq Qhapaq (Captain with a noble title)
    • Willka Uma = Villaq Umu (High Priest)
    • Cápac = Cápac Auqui (Imperial prince, not necessarily the heir)
  • AUCAYOC, the god of war.

  • Sleeping Giants: Regarding the Stone Giant that could be used as Titan, there are current legends about “sleeping giants” because many mountains in the Andes range have human-like shapes. One of the most famous examples is the mountain of Machu Picchu (note that the photo has been enhanced to better show the face).

  • Inca Siege Weapons: I also thought of incorporating the Chachapoyan Ballista, which could be built in the Pukará. Since the Incas won’t have Draft Horse technology, it would make sense for this weapon to need to be packed to move and unpacked to attack (similar to the Trebuchets in AoE 2). This weapon could hit multiple units and be devastating to buildings. It could be called Hatun Wachi (big arrow).

  • Sinchi: This means “strong, tough, sturdy, brave,” and can also mean “soldier.” I like the name but I’m unsure in what context to use it. I have used weapon names or military ranks to name units.

  • Chasqui: I’m also not sure how this could be integrated. It could be the initial explorer, but I would like it to have additional uses, such as the Chasqui being able to construct free buildings over a long period of time (like the Architect in AoE 3) or being the only Inca unit able to build important structures like Wakas, Temples, and Pukarás. This would be more related to gameplay and balance, so it’s beyond my capabilities.

I forgot to mention Caquiyoca’s Amaru, the Two-Headed Amaru of Fire.

Regarding the Inca ships, the “rock, paper, scissors” system of the other factions’ ships should be maintained; if possible, the Inca ship model should be used primarily, and the Chimú ship model should not be used because I consider that they have the potential to be a different faction.


I also forgot to mention the soldiers of Pururauca

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