

当点击单个的军事建筑有个性化的声音反馈 这样就可以更加确定自己的操作 问题是现在只有当你点选单个建筑的时候才有这样的反馈 当你把多于两个(不管相同还是不同)军事建筑编队 然后选择的时候 或者在编队中按TAB进行切换的时候 就变哑巴了 所有声音反馈都消失不见了

大哥你就不能机翻一下吗 translate.baidu.com, translate.google.cn, translate.bing.com 都可以啊


Let’s start by asking someone who knows English to translate

When you click on a single military building there is a personalized sound feedback so you can be more sure of what you are doing. The problem is that now the feedback is only available when you click on a single building. When you group more than two (same or different) military buildings and select them, or when you press TAB to switch between them in a group, it becomes mute and all the sound feedback disappears.