I just wrote something about my opinion. I’m not freakin’ out or something haha And i don’t talk about strictly competitive matches at all.
I would even dare to say that maybe it needs a slight buff (like giving 5 population instead of 0).
Although it’s too early to say this since I haven’t seen enough matches.
(EDIT 1): fortified town centers, now give +25 pop. instead of 20.
Thinking about it.
In the growth phase you can usually get your second and 3rd TC relatively easily.
Also getting to the 100 villager limit doesn’t take much time since villagers take 15 seconds (used to be 14) to train.
So you will get to 100 villagers a lot quicker as in AoE2. Also you have to wait one more age in AoE2 before being able to build additional TCs.
Those things combined mean that there is very rarely a situation where it’s advantageous to build a Village Centre in a normal multiplayer or skirmish match.
Their impact on other game modes could be higher.
Maybe there should be a lobby setting to turn them of.
It might also be possible to disable them in scenarios.
I think there should be infinite houses, Villager Centres and Fortresses should give population too.
But Settlements increase the max population limit.
This would a much more reasonable system.
200 population limit by default and then +25 for every fortified Town Centre.
@Skadidesu They do produce slower, but its not updated in the tooltip- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ILyxj7W2M4&t=17844
You can see there at arround 5 hours.
We gotta try it first, but couple of possible nerfs in mind are to increase villigers cost as well so it has some permanent downside or make it only avilable in heroic age (while tc is from classical)
I only looked at it shortly and it seemed like the same speed.
So if it’s slower it’s not that much slower.
Its like 20-30% slower or something like that. So might be too little.
I tried it and its slower. Magic said its 75% production speed.
I think they’re in pretty good spot:
- Don’t provide pop
- Don’t shoot arrows
- Half HP
- Less Crush/Hack armor
- 75% training speed
- Can train priests too but can’t train mercenaries (not sure about greek/norse)
This should incentivise you to fight for settlements, at least the pop part, while keeping it possible to get extra villager training without taking too many risks.
I think they done the right thing.
They can train Greek heroes (according to techtree, haven’t tested) and of course Berserks.
I think they probably shouldn’t be able to train heroes and priests since they can already be trained in other buildings anyway.
I think there is almost no situation in a normal match where you want to build a village centre. Maybe it will happen more on closed maps like Arena where you can wall in without getting 3 Settlements.
I do wonder if it can have negative impacts on less standard situations like in custom Scenarios, but you might be able to disable them there.
I think it should be a lobby setting to make sure it doesn’t ruin things.
There are many:
- 4+ TC boom
- only 2 safe settlements
- Long walking time
- Enemy rushed and you lost 1 settlement to enemy that you can’t retake before Mythic age.
- Playing map like gold rush or getting resources from an island
Of course it probably won’t be that important in 1vs1, but I see them being big deal in team games.
One Village Centre is a lot of resources (600) I don’t think it’ll often be worth it for faster Villager production since it’s relatively quick to hit the 100 cap on even just 2 TCs.
So I assume it will not be used in 90% of matches but I could be wrong.
If it will become part of normal build orders then I think it is still too good and should be changed to like 50% training speed or something.
It is safe and cheaper option since you don’t have to walk out there. Of course it won’t be best choice in most games, but it is a good choice.
Lol, guess I was wrong. What do we think about Ageing Up in a Village Center?
Why not? It’s supposed to grant the basic options of a TC (villagers and ageing up) to ensure you don’t get left out of the game if you don’t have settlements.
I thought they couldn’t do Age Ups?
Maybe I misremember.
Do they benefit from Fortified Town Centre?
Can they research any technologies?
Things I can’t test anymore unfortunately.
Would be interesting to have a map without any Settlements where everyone starts with a Village Centre. That would completely change the game dynamic making it much slower.
It’s a good thing that they’ve added this new building. New maps could be made without settlements (or with less settlements), and we could see how the games play out on them.
(EDIT 1): not all the maps, only a few to enjoy a different type of match.
I’m thinking of some nice ideas for some scenarios I want to make.
AoM(R) has some things that make it suitable for very interesting Scenarios in a way none of the AoE games are.
It kinda combines many of the good aspects of AoE2 and AoE3 in the potential for making scenarios.
AoE3DE got some massive boost in capabilities over time by adding some cool now assets and even new triggers as well as fixing old triggers.
I hope AoMR will get the improved triggers from AoE3DE too.
Originally some triggers only worked in Single Player and causes multiplayer to instantly crash but they fixed them when they made the Coop Missions for AoE3DE.
One of my favourite things is it to make scenarios that to play with or against my friends.
It combines the best aspects of Age games in my opinion.
Interesting. Maybe devs didn´t think in that posibility.
Maybe those powers being unable to be launched on village centers, or being able to do, but nerfed (only 3 sentinels for example)
Yes, I think it’s a good idea…it’s similar to how in EE1 you have town centers and settlements that you can then improve into town centers…
Exactly in 1vs1 the story doesn’t change much, but in TG the entire meta changes, allowing you to boom harder and apply AoE 2 and AoE 3 strats also in AoM…
Yes, I agree, many interesting scenarios can be done in the new campaigns that come to the game, even using village centers to advance faster in the classic campaigns…
Yes, for now everything is on paper and the meta is going to be readjusted to the new mechanics…
Can Norse villagers build Village Center too?