Toxic Mass Samurai Destroy Your Factories

We all know this is a cheese strat and players usually only do it when they are losing. I have beaten these people 100s of times and I used to feel satisfied when I did (to show them that its not a good strat) but at this point, it’s just irritating, not fun and prolongs the game. 80% of the Samurai that have ever been trained were probably used in this way. Just nerf Samurai, they walk too fast and have too much siege damage. Make them 4-speed and remove all their speed and siege upgrades from their cards, then nerf their base siege.

Things that make it worse are:

  • Wonder that reveals your factories
  • Daimyos can train them in 10 batch, inside your base
  • Extra 25 military pop that Japan has
  • New card that gives them a grenade launcher (Why even…)

I have heard it all before, “Just kill them earlier”, “It’s a bad strat anyway”, “Games usually don’t go that long” but at the end of the day the issue persists, just fix it rather than have us work around it. Its not fun, this is not the game we want.


Can’t balance the game around treaty which 0.1% of the player base actually plays. For the first time in a long time the samurai is actually a viable unit in 1v1, same with most of the melee heavy infantry like jaguar prowl knights, hospitallers etc. Remove the new card if it is that big of a deal, it removes the effect of the card which boosts infantry siege by 33% anyway.


yeah I completely agree. the amount of times I’ve had to deal with this nonsense and run back or make slow skirms just to lose my factories is ridiculous. I always thought they need less health but now that you have but it this way, yes we need a nerf to there speed. there is no good reason the should have should have 5.5 speed

what you said here is the exact reason the game is dying, lower elo players like myself and new players don’t have the skills to deal with this late game nonsense and less skilled matches tend to end up in the late game.

I had a a college at work who I tried to get into the game, he had this exact thing happen to him on his first ranked game, then 2 games later he played against someone making mass gats and that was the last time he played.

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The answer to this is play ranked 1v1 by yourself at least to begin with so you learn the game properly, that way if you later go and play free for all or something then you know how to kill 20 gatlings with a few culvs.

Nobody starts the game and has the skills to beat weird or niche strats you need to learn how to counter them effectively.

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Age V is an age in AoE3, it needs to be balanced. If you leave the base siege the same and remove all their siege and speed upgrades then it does not affect you, top tier players don’t even make sams because ashi are a better option. You are the reason that there are fewer treaty players and new players (noob games run longer). These issues are not getting fixed because you never play past age 3 and can’t be bothered about issues you don’t face (even though it would benefit the community). By your logic we should just remove Age V and IV.

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the point that im making is that people face that stuff at 1000 elo and then they just never play again.

I frequently play into age 4 and age 5 itself is not the issue here. The issue is you are losing to cheese strats because you lack game knowledge. If it is not the samurai it will be shogun training mortars next to your factory.

At 1k elo in ranked 1v1 you don’t see that level of lame stuff, if they do it they’re playing inefficiently and it is easy to beat. People need to understand that from 1k elo they may need to lose 10-15 games in a row until they get matched to an equally skilled opponent, like how aoe4 has placement games.

Samurai were fine until they gave them launchers which makes no sense like why to do samurai have launchers, they are supposed to be a powerful melee unit good against heavy cav and buildings.

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this claim is so pathetic; “there’s no point in balancing the game around the treaty”… however these strategies only affect the treaty, team games and FFA, the sup mode is not affected, so changing these things won’t change anything for you, but they do improve the quality of life in other ways.
Sup player just look at yourselves


I said remove the card if necessary, nobody asked for it. You must be wary of changing things for very late game that also effect regular supremacy. For example State Militia of the usa got nerfed into uselessness as a direct result of their overperformance in the late game when stacked with all possible cards and buffs but all the nerfs caused them to become useless in 1v1 where they weren’t ever that strong and now nobody uses them.


Is the samurai card having the same problem in sup mode as it does in other modes?

No but the point where the mortars are issued most supremacy games are decided allready in Japans favour or irrelevant since they won’t change a thing anymore.
It’s a good card but you achieve the same effect with the normal pillage card and samurais not sucking anymore.
Course the mortar is insane, but japanese infantry siege allways was pretty insane in age 2 onwards though if the game goes into lategame then it becomes an issue card.

okay i understand, the game is perfect and new players have no problem loosing 15 times in a row before they win a game.

If your skill level is at 600 elo when you start ranked then you may well have to lose 15 games to drop to that level, it is obviously an exaggeration and most people will only need to lose a handful of games before being evenly matched.