Treaty mode?

I have always appreciated the peace treaty option in AoE 3. I focus on the economy first and then the military. I’m a bit slow in RTS …

I thought the developers would reintroduce the peace treaty option. Its important to me. For whatever reason they didnt. I believed it would almost certainly be there, especially since adding it would be no problem at all. It is very annoying that we are denied this option.

In multiplayer sessions in which I and the others agreed on a peace treaty, some of them repeatedly failed to adhere to it.

Does anyone know why this is and if any of the developers have commented on this matter? Will the peace treaty option be added later?


The general customisation of custom games is not final yet.

Devs confirmed that in a lot of interviews. More Gamemods will come, treaty possibly one of them.

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Yeah I cannot play this anymore without treaty mode.

I am so sick and tired of having my settlers killed 7 minutes into the game when I have no barracks to even defend myself.

In 3 v 3 etc it just wastes everyones time.

Add treaty time. It is not playable like this. I just quit when I see it happening and the stats think ive lost the match when I have just left due to the rushing.


treaty mode has its own fan base , devs should think about it

This is something that has been in so many other AOE games before. Why was it not added on release? I would like to see this added to AOE 4

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Can we have a treaty option added for multiplayer with the option to select from 35/40/45 minutes. This would enhance the experience so much and was a massive upgrade on AOE 3 that should be included on this game, thanks.

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Add it.

For gods sake I am so sick and tired of wasting my time in online matches just to have my settlers killed without having any army.

What a waste of £50.

I have zero interest in killing settlers and buildings after 7 minutes.

Sort it out for gods sake.

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If such option exists, in the treaty time I would send my villagers to my enemy’s base, build a bunch of outposts and keeps, and when the treaty time ends, guess what will happen?

Intelligently implemented treaties like AOE2 include an area around your starting TC where the enemy can’t build anything until the time runs out.

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You wouldn’t be able to do that due to restricted building area and enemy fortifications that would kill all your units that would came close.

Have you ever played 2DE or 3DE?!

Treaty option is not just a ‘forced peace’ but much more than that.
You can have restricted area, sometimes varying for eco and military buildings. You can not be allowed to attack with any units of yours, but at the same time, you have all right to defend yourself- by building various walls and planning gates for the combat phase, by strategically placing towers/castles that can attack anyone in range unrestricted etc.

Nothing would happen because your units would be killed and you would rage quit and learn from there on that treaty mode is great and refreshing and has more depth than you think :slight_smile: Well- can have more depth, depends on the players and level of teamwork. But even in 1v1 it’s pretty cool and is allowing different side of AoE gameplay to shine.
You’d be surprised how many AoE players are not especially interested in intense micro ~15min rush fests over and over again. Same things over and over again, based on current meta balance, with the same unit compositions, all on a small scale.
With peace treaty even weaker civs can be utilized and with skilled player commanding them they can shine where they are no match in classic mode.
And at the end everything is put to the test:

  • scouting & exploration skills to gain advantage in intel that can be used to improve our army composition vs enemy forces
  • planning city layout and defenses based on knowledge of map and all civs in play
  • team coordination (if applicable)
  • utilization of natural obstacles and resources to create the best possible environment for both expansion during peace and later defense (or just attack)
  • using all tools in a toolbox to surprise enemies with swift execution of strategy for the match.

Treaty mode ought to be set in the range of 10-60 minutes, with 10 min intervals. Works great in other games, no reason why it wouldn’t fit here.


I get it, rushing with just a few unit types is boring and the fun begins when a civ is at its full potential.

I am pretty amazed devs decided to leave this out.

I know there are many others in the same situation. Try hosting a game as a treaty lobby based on the honor system. (like how the AOE3 community does orinoco with NR10 mins but does not attack until 50 mins and does not research blockade) The economies look pretty strong, you may not need 40 minutes like Aoe3 but its a start.

It may be horribly unbalanced due to how different the economic bonuses are but worth a try.

Hello dear players (and developers PLEASE read this), I am here again to express my great great dissatisfaction regarding the lack of treaty mode in aoe4…

Like really, being rushed EVERY single time in 10-15 minutes in the best of cases… was the game made for pros or what? not everyone can manage FFA mode and it is honestly frustrating to give up or quit every single match. The ones I and my team won were sort of like a miraculous sum of events or because the enemies quit sooner than us… (-.-)

I am a very good treaty player for aoe3DE who cant play FFA… I’m so used to building my eco and defenses, and I know many others agree on this one…

Pleeeease add it… SOON (please)…


Treaty option comes up frequently enough that mods should probably merge it all, just like with issues like player colour selection.
Treaty mode? - Age of Empires IV / IV - Discussion - Age of Empires Forum

player color selection you can activate it in the options menu and at least you get a random color for each one (that does the trick for the moment) but still I’d like to choose my own color like in aoe3DE

The ability to select player colour was available in AoE1 from 1997.
In 3DE you can even customize player colors, which for me is also a great feature and doesn’t seem to be very work-intensive to implement, considering it’s a color picker in menu options.