Trigger "Edit Characteristic" map, replicate the ability of the Hero Dafydd ap Gruffydd

In the Age of Empires 2 DE editor, the hero Dafydd ap Gruffydd has an ability that allows him to deliver the first very strong blow on enemies. In the editor, to create this mechanic, go to “Edit Characteristic” then “Maximum Charge” to add the charge to a unit. The second point is “Charge Event” which determines how this ability activates. In Dafydd’s case with a hit to an enemy.

  1. I would like to know what number I should set to “Charge Event” and then “Charge Type” to do exactly what Dafydd does.
  2. Is there a list of Age variables available to know these things?
    Thank you so much!
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Try here

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Thanks, I don’t know if it will be enough but surely it is better than nothing.

What issues are you having?
Charge event 1, 2 or 3 depletes on attacking
Charge type 1 is attack, charge type 2 is unknown, charge type 3 is area attack charge and charge type 4 is ability charge

I manage to activate the maximum attack charge (+5), I manage to set the charge type to 1 (melee attack) but the last “charge event” which, if I understood correctly, activates the charge when it hits something, does not works. I set it to 1, but my unit gets the white bar with the charge, it also gets the +5 attack from the charge but when it hits nothing happens, the charge is not consumed and does not activate.

Do you know AGE? Maybe check the values there.

Look my setting:

Image 1 Max Charge

Image 2 Charge Event

Image 3 Type Charge


No what is Age? Its a software editor for AoE2 DE??

A.G.E.: Advanced Genied Editor.

Genied is the game’s engine.

Try attacking another unit. Try an elephant, for example.

I figured out what the problem was, the ability only works on units.

Now, however, there is a new problem, it doesn’t quite work.

Set Maximum Charge

Set Charge Event

Set Charge Type



The problem: It activates only once because it no longer refills the bar, it remains empty.

Maybe try looping the trigger?

What you’re missing is the Recharge Rate (which is also affected by the total charge). If you give it a recharge rate of one, it will take 10 seconds to restore a charge of 10, a recharge rate of 0.5 will take 20 seconds to restore a charge of 10, etc.

Ah ok, thank you i will try tomorrow and i post the result.
Another question, how i can write decimal numbers? I tryed 0,5 but no, 0.5 nothing…

You can’t write decimals in the Editor, but you can divide - First Effect sets recharge rate to 1, second effect divides it by 2.

Yes that was the problem, thank you very much