Ottoman’s GBs are very awesome, super effective and expensive. However, they have strong potential to be game breaking OP.
They can:
Anti building.
Anti infantry with AOE damage and +2 more range than a mangonel.
Crazy attack speed due to double buffed +15% by Mehter and +25% by garrisoning.
Anti siege.
With the highest base damage in the game at 190 + AOE, this monster is a new super unit that stack too many bonuses. Literally everything the old Chinese bombards wish it had been.
We can clearly see where this would lead to…
All your points are wrong, negligible, situational, incomplete math, or ignore the other side of the coin. It’s trash.
Plus, the most important thing is, this Ottoman civ as it is can never survive until imperial in 1v1. If it does, the Great Bombard as it is will be 100% useless.
Hey, hey… Don’t get all triggered. Whereas we have been voicing opinions, you’re literally asking for the unit’s cost to be raised even further. That’s very, very different.
You don’t know if the GB at 1500 will break the game meta. Nobody knows yet. I find it actually weak and overpriced for what it is. I was expecting something akin to a medieval nuke for 2 castles worth of resources.
You may be proven right… or not, but try to stay within the opinion realm and wait until you can call the shots on how it’s really balanced.
First of all, not straight up calling this unit OP, but they do have strong POTENTIAL to be game breaking OP, thats my exact words. I listed the bullet points that I think will be game breaking, they’re just facts gathered from the PUP data.
Secondly, going by your token, this is early hours of a PUP so it’s too early to say anything. For this reason, we shouldn’t be having this discussion at all? Perhaps no one should be allowed to speculate anything in the early hours of PUP?
Everyone should be able to express their thoughts & concerns of potential inbalances, which is the point of testing a build before it goes live. The OP hasn’t said that it’s GOING to be OP but is speculating now when we have official stats and can actually play around this unit.
Time will tell I suppose but feedback is always good in my opinion.
Yes his latest two alt accounts were banned again. I can guarantee you he never had any sort of calculations.
Anyway it’s way too early to be calling either of the new civs too strong or too weak. It’s been like one day and without even necessarily having the final release balance.
Yeaaa, i can relate to being an ass and cringe and over the top aggressive…but buddy was worse than me…
Normally I’m in fights with @HighPingLord and @BdelloidBore5 !! Soeaking of…what complaints do you to have about fire lancers now??? Same range resist as horsemen, effectively same speed if you keep yuan dynasty (comparing standard horsemen speed to chinese fire lancers with yuan), faster attack speed (1.62s vs 1.75s), imperial landmark lets them regen from deaths and attack faster?? And only cost 40 resources more (well after unlocking yuan of course)???