UI Minor Gods or God Powers next to player score - Help/Idea

I want to make a mod that makes either Minor Gods or God Power icons to show up next to the player score. Since especially on team games it can be easy to loose track of what god choices and potential god powers both allies and enemies can have in a match.

These are examples of what I have in mind.

Something like this is already present in the Diplomacy panel window. Which is where I got the idea to try and implement it on the scoreboard.

I’ve tried to make a mod already, following a similar logic to what the diplomacy panel shows. The examples I posted above are from my attempt. But I hard coded the icons just to show an example, since I haven’t found a way to get the info of what ability or minor god a player currently has.
The diplomacy panel uses the binding GodAbilitySource 0-3 however those bindings don’t seem to work outside that panel.

I’d love to know if anyone has an idea of how to get something like that working.

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