Unique Tech Concept - Merchant Guards

Theoretical unique technology for the Portuguese/Spanish.

Available in: Castle Age
Cost: ##### 600g
Effect: Upgrades existing Trade Carts to Armed Caravan/ Armed Trade Cogs.

Unique Trade Cart characteristics

Armed Merchant:

HP: 100 (from 70)
Base Melee/Base Pierce: 1/1 (from 0/0)
Base attack: 7
Base range: 5
Other specs and costs are same as for regular trade carts.

Benefits from archer upgrades at Blacksmith

Armed Trade Cog:
HP: 110 (from 80)
Base Pierce: 7 (from 6)
Base attack: 7
Base range: 5
Other specs and costs are same as for regular trade carts.

Benefits from missile upgrades in Blacksmith/Uni.

this is the most overpowered unit in the game, Trade carts already receive no bonus damage and are faster than cav archers. This is a super cav archer with arbalest range, more health, no weaknesses to any units and you get it for free with trade units.

on the other hand, this could be balanced, they would still be worse than war galleys and trade cogs are hard to use effectively at the moment since they cannot be protected by walls or castles.

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You, either want to do what the Dutch have in Rise of Nations (armed caravans, armed merchants and armed supply wagon) or it’s a coincidence. Either way, the armed caravan were awful at anything but fighting off ranged cavalry and were limited in number by commerce levels.