Unit patrol

Would it be possible to have an option for military units to patrol a specific path set by the player. Like clicking “A” for an attack but a different button then you could use shift click to create a straight line for the units to go back and forth to or create a circular path for them to constantly walk around.


It’s just a list commands, and each of those commands are “attack move to location x”

For patrolling a line, you would execute the list of commands in regular order, and when you get to the location of the final command, you would then execute the list of commands in the reverse order etc. Think of it like bouncing between the top and bottom of the list.
A->B->C->B->A->B->C etc…

For a circle (actually my example is a triangle but same principle), you would execute the list of commands in the regular order, and when you get to the location of the final command, you would move back to the first command. Think of it like wrapping around.
A->B->C->A->B->C etc…


I’m not sure I understand. Are you saying to shift click where you want the troops to move? I would like to set it once and forget about it. This is my first post, maybe I did it wrong. I’m trying to make a suggestion.

They haven’t programmed the functionality, but that’s the gist of how it would be programmed

Both of those examples would loop indefinitely until the command list is overwritten, for example, you give the unit a different order.

So, yes it’s possible, and yes we want it.

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I think patrol command is in the road map, right?

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Well, the original road map was:

. Publish the game and had map editor next year.

It was all.

We actualy got lucky to have all those early patch.

It took 3 months to make them shrink arrow, so maybe in a few years, we wil have a patrol comand.

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