United States anti cav

I’d like to see BOTH of these buffs for Carbine Cavalry to be honest.

They’re not even that big of buffs (and reworking the card could TECHNICALLY be considered a buff but it’s more about re-appropriating the percents).

The Aztec Jaguar Prowler Temple card (Age 4 Card) was changed from 25% ATT to 15% HP and 15% ATT which is a much better change.

So it is within the realm of possibility!


Marines are ■■■■■■■ amazing. I always take the Marines and Minuteman company’s cards and every one of my decks now


They are great yes, but are still countered by artillery and they are difficult to remass once they are gone.

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USA is OP at turtling, they never have to leave their base.
They don’t need any buffs.

Actually, they really aren’t. On paper you THINK they are but when you play them consistently you find that when you start getting attacked by any type of cavalry unit combined with artillery you instantly lose.

This is because the USA has nothing that counters cavalry. Carbine Cavalry are probably the worst unit in the entire game and not worth building.

Cavalry + Artillery are an instant death sentence for the USA.

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I agree, I’ve played USA a ton on ranked since release, really enjoy the civ it’s so unique but they do lack a decent ranged anti-cav, it’s not a huge problem because typically in 1v1 there won’t be just a ton of hand cav, and regulars with the arsenal upgrade for melee do trade effectively but you still miss a good dragoon, carbine cav desperately needs a buff.

In regard to them being good at turtling, the only thing that makes them good is the capitol being able to build outposts and tc’s. They are far from the best turtle civ and have very few upgrades compared to a civ like Inca, USA don’t even get town militia, just building hitpoints.
Compare that to Inca, 2nd tc and warhut card in age 2, wall hitpoints card, extensive fortifications, heavy fortifications, 2 warhuts +20% hitpoints card, 2 tc wagons in age 3, can build 6 tc’s, age 4 stronghold/warhut range card etc etc.
USA have certain things that help it turtle, like a bank card, coin trickles, factory but they always need food and need map control for it, they can’t even go water very well.

id change carbine cavalry to fire both shots at the same time to allow micro and increase base damage of each shot to 10, as well as give them 20% melee resistance. having hit and run cut your damage output by 50% feels terrible and discourages me from using them, just like the absurd attack delay on sharpshooters that makes them feel awful to use.

on balance of the USA civ as a whole I don’t have a solid grasp on them yet.

They need more ranged resist and/or hitpoints, problem with them is you need to stand and fight in order to get off the 2 shots unlike regular dragoons that just kite, yet carbine cavalry have 20 hitpoints less and only 10% ranged resist(regular dragoon has 20%). I could understand them being slightly weaker as they are slightly cheaper, however the firing animation just makes them bad at their role as a dragoon.

Either their rate of fire needs a significant increase, so the 2 shots are fired almost instantly or they need a buff to hitpoints or ranged resist so they are more able to stand and fight like a cavalry archer. Also does not help at all that usa has basically no cav upgrade cards to buff them.

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Yep, agreed.

I think the carbines should get probably 30% range resist and I think that’d go a LONG way in helping them. Personally I think they should get a damage increase as well. They just need MAJOR help as a unit. I think this is the main unit that is holding the USA back. If the Carbine Cavalry was actually a good unit it’d go a LONG way in shoring up a MASSIVE weakness.

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