Units are Difficult to Distinguish

@csaArmistead @OwnAirplane3203 Thought I’d bump this thread because now you can actually mess around with the game’s colors / contrast levels if you have an Nvidia GPU. A new version of Geforce Experience came out that added Nvidia Freestyle support for Age 2 DE so you can add all the filters you’d like (with contrast / color options among them).


Very cool! I’ll play around with it soon. Thanks very much for letting me know.

Good, but having contrast in graphics options would be most comfortable and work for everyone :slight_smile:
I made topic about it.

I don’t want more contrast. That makes the set more vibrant & bleached in places and darker in others, which I’m not a fan of for a solution. The tests above make the game look over-exposed… HDR’ish where I don’t want HDR. A mod could be devised by the community for that. I’d rather have the devs fix the root cause of the issue.

I think one thing that would help is to not cast so much shadow over the units; or not as grey or not as dark of shadows. From a dev standpoint, I would think this might be an easy fix to just target the units a bit, and I think they’d still blend with the environment okay.

I can only speak for the white-colored cavalry at the moment. In DE, they lack the vibrant white pop that they had in HD. I’m not sure if that’s because there are more shadows on the units in DE, darker shadows, grayer shadows, or if the color-to-white ratio is worse, or all the above. I’ll try to check later. But I guess I’ve always felt the white cavalry in DE don’t look nearly as white as HD… they look a little muddled, blending in a bit with everything else. I thought I’d get used to it, but it still bothers me. I can still usually identify them, but it’s just less than ideal, imo… as I compare to them to the gold standard of HD where they seemed more noble or valiant.


I agree that the graphics aren’t really necessary. It’s like adding 3D animations to chess. It’s cool I guess and may draw more people to the game, but after they fixed ranked multiplayer it would be great if they made a classic mode. I don’t need the sensory overload of all the details I just want to play this great RTS.

And as said before we want to unite the community so if people are playing HD because they like the graphics better, we should give them classic mode in DE to bring them to this community.


Called Age of Conquerors (1999) or Rise of the Rajas (2016) or WK which is a mix of both
No need to reinvent things

That would split the community. DE should have everyone on the same community so they can play competitively on a single platform.

And it’s supposed to be a remastered, so the OG graphics would not look nice anymore.

Let go of this nostalgic feeling, the game has reached a good state (bugs and performance aside, I’d say)

He’s not blind, but I’m curios which unit is indistinguishable for him.

Have you see aM’s settings in competitive tournaments? It almost looks like they’re playing Minecraft which they likely do for quick viewing and enhanced gameplay. For many people we’re more interested in the game and itself than the aesthetics. While I suspect there wouldn’t be the budget for a classic mode, I do think it would be nice. Sometimes the new graphics create sensory overload. You may disagree and that’s fine. Some people like aesthetics while others are more concerned with game play. You’re clearly a “ooh shiny thing” type of guy.

A classic mode can be implemented by a dedicated modder, the devs don’t really need to step in for that, changing graphics around is what most mods are already doing anyway.

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:expressionless: You mention my disagreement being fine but calling me names?
And no, I’m not a “ooh shiny thing” guy, I played AOE2 since 2009 but I think if someone wants to go old school the older games are a better option. Anyways, they already said there’s no old-school mode, so there’s that .

There should be a classic mode after ranked play is fixed. And I didn’t call you a name, I did characterize you as more of looks than substance guy. Is that wrong?

It’s possible to appreciate both looks and substance, insinuating the opposite is dishonest and you seem to take this kind of tone with everyone that disagrees with you in every topic.

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