Units that can be imported from Age of Mythology?

Since AoM units are easily importable into AoE3. I was looking into that game.

So what are some of the units that are actually not very mythic looking and are very close to real life? I would like to check them all.

Would appreciate someone knowledgeable of that game sharing the names of such units.

AoMR and AoE3DE use different formats for their 3D models, not sure how easy it would be to port them over.

I’d be more interested in porting AoE3DE units to AoMR because that game has the more up to date engine and is still being supported.


Yes AoE3 units too can be imported in AoM. But can you please stick to the question rather than changing topic? What are the units in AoM usable in AoE3?

I am also a MODDer, and I tried it, but Age of Mythology DE uses a different new model format. This format can neither be put directly into Age of Empires 3 (I tried it), nor can it be imported into 3DMax because there is no reverse engineering, so I am very curious about how you import it into Age of Empires 3?

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If you ask which units are suitable, as a Chinese, considering the characteristics of the times, the image of China’s hero unit Li Jing is very similar to the armor of officers in the Song and Ming dynasties. The phoenix-wing helmet and mountain-patterned armor are very similar to the “Han General Armor” of the Ming Dynasty’s guard of honor. The images of other units are mostly too “medieval”, tending towards the image of soldiers before the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and are not suitable for China in Empire III.


Directly along with animation GR2 should work fine. Don’t try to change either texture or associated attachments. If you try to use AoM skeleton but with AoE3 animation, then it might cause problems.

Yeah Chinese civ has many realistic looking units. Most out of all civs.

There are some greek looking units too that sre usable.

And ofcourse many buildings.

I’m looking forward to uploading your finished product, and I’ll take a good look at it.

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Here is a picture of houses imported from AoM in old AoE3. I was planning to imitate the same in DE.

The old version of AOM used an old format that has been reverse engineered, but the new version does not, it is a completely new format, and as far as I know, it has not been cracked as of a month ago.

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You mean the Bar File packaging cannot be extracted?

I mean the 3D model file can’t be imported into 3DMax, nor can it be written into Age of Empires 3DE.

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Why import import them to 3ds max at the first place? Just use the GR2 model as it is. Along with associated texture and animation. I mean no change, direct use.

The problem is that the model files in Age of Mythology DE are not in GR2 format.

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Hmm I didn’t know this.

So it isn’t worth buying AoM for me then. Because I don’t like mythology. I wanted to integrate some stuff into AoE3.

Thank you for clarifying my confusion.

You’re welcome.
Because I had my eye on the hero units early on, and wanted to add new elements to the MOD that my friend “Lawrence of Arabia” and I made, but later found that the format was different and could not be used.