Unknown Improved

I’ve improved the Unknown map with completely new spawn layouts, more combinations of spawns, added geographic features, better balancing of natives and trade routes (especially for treaty), and some minor bug fixes!

Check it out in the Mod Browser “Unknown Improved”. As always, the specifics are yours to discover.

Coming soon: improvements to Lost and Survival versions.


Wow. Little known unprofessional modder makes awesome mod!


Today I released an update, version 5.1.
A new version of LOST including many of the improvements to the base map.
A new version of Survival/Settler Massacre with a twist. If you select Nomad as the starting age it unlocks the starting bonus wagons from Unknown (without the TP wagon). Additionally, if you select Easy AI difficulty it unlocks some random bonuses!

Thanks DrMaxy4142 for helping troubleshoot some triggers today and ScEv0lution for some great ideas for this update.

If some mod wants to consolidate my two threads that’d be neat. Was an accident.


Added an April Fool’s update today! Enjoy the chaos!