Upcoming Unique units & buildings stats and tech tree

Just realized 3 out of 4 new UTs will be either useless or broken in DM. Here is why -

The game only sees the after effects of age and tech research in DM. For example, Ethiopians start with +300 food and +300 gold and Tatars start with 2 extra sheep in DM. So Burgundians will have 3 Flaming Militia instead of 3 villagers, and 0 food 20000 gold instead of 20000 food and 10000 gold. Without villagers you can’t do anything and you can’t train any villager as well since you don’t have any food. Basically you are just an useless civ in DM. For Sicilians you will have 7 Searjeants along with your starting scout which will be OP. You will also have 15 x 8 = 120 extra gold. Later one won’t be a problem though.

Edit : Of course this can be fixed but then you won’t have any UT in DM.